LiPo batteries and travelling by air


Draganflyer X4
Scary stuff. I had a lipo catch fire in the coat cupboard under the stairs once...while it was in storage! They can be very dangerous.


Spiralling out of control
While it was in storage....bloody hell, there more dangerous than I thought. I think I'll put them in the shed.


Draganflyer X4
While it was in storage....bloody hell, there more dangerous than I thought. I think I'll put them in the shed.

The dealer has told me he thinks it is because of a zip on the inside of the bag touching the battery terminals. Not sure how true that is, because it is a female terminal and no metal sticks out (deans connector) but I suppose it is a possibility.


I keep mine in a glass oven dish with a lid. I also charge them while they sit in a large glass oven dish as well. They worry me with the warnings about how dangerous they can be.


FPV pilot
Mine live in small ex-army ammunition boxes/cases. Always charge with the battery in a lipo sack too. Thanks for the link ZAxis.


Active Member
Wow.. I was thinking of taking my quad with me on Vacation next week. Now I'm having second thoughts. Scary stuff!


Drone Enthusiast
Sounds like I better get a second fireproof safe just for my lipos. this should be in a survival book. "If your cell phone is out of batteries you can always throw it into your kindling to make an emergency fire."
