iOSD V2 and H3-2D connection dilemma?

Hi guys, I'm struggling once again :upset:

I've just purchased the DJI iOSD V2 for use with my WKM AND H3-2D gimbal. The reason for using the full iOSD in preference to the mini is the extra CAN-Bus port allowing me to use the 2.4G Data Link. I will only be using one camera.

My question concerns the camera output connection of the H3-2D to the AV input on the iOSD. Can I use the supplied jackplug and cable (intended for use with the Z15) to plug direct into my H3-2D GCU or do I use the supplied ribbon cable and solder to the existing H3-2D jackplug?

The jackplugs look identical but the instruction manual refers only to the Z15 and makes no mention of the H3-2D.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
You can use the connector. The only difference is that the H3-2D GCU does not have a power output, only video and ground. Other than that they are the same.
