Hoverfly Hoverfly Pro Work Well with Smaller Props?

Hi all; since I'm selling my big Y6, I'm going for a small and quick FPV rig. Im thinking this:

Hoverthings HT-FPV frame: http://www.hoverthings.com/frame-sets/htfpvblack.html
NTM 28-26A 1200kv motors: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=17345
GAUI 210801 8-inch Prop
3s battery

I know that rig will fly well as it's a pretty common setup. But I've heard lots of issues that OpenPilot users have had with yaw using this. I just wanted to check to see if anyone is using this with Hoverfly or if there is an issue with a Hoverfly board using a smaller faster prop. I know HFP works great with big/heavy copters but this will be under 2.25 lbs AUW at the worst. Likely less if I can pull it off. Thanks!



George - Hoverfly
I haven't used that particular frame, but I do fly a small quad with 8x6 props. The smaller props work really well and I've never had a problem.

Hi all; since I'm selling my big Y6, I'm going for a small and quick FPV rig. Im thinking this:

Hoverthings HT-FPV frame: http://www.hoverthings.com/frame-sets/htfpvblack.html
NTM 28-26A 1200kv motors: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=17345
GAUI 210801 8-inch Prop
3s battery

I know that rig will fly well as it's a pretty common setup. But I've heard lots of issues that OpenPilot users have had with yaw using this. I just wanted to check to see if anyone is using this with Hoverfly or if there is an issue with a Hoverfly board using a smaller faster prop. I know HFP works great with big/heavy copters but this will be under 2.25 lbs AUW at the worst. Likely less if I can pull it off. Thanks!

