Holy Smokes!!! 5 Years!


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Back in June, 2010 a friend sent me a Youtube link for a video done by a guy named Holger;

Holger and his partner had developed a very capable flight control system for something most of us had never heard of, a multi-rotor helicopter. They weren't new but they weren't very far along in the development process either so, up until then, the few multi-rotor helicopters that were out there were unstable, had short flight times, and little lifting power.

After six months of pondering I sold a few beloved personal items and ponied up the cash to buy one of Holger's kits, a Mikrokopter Okto II followed by a new JR 9503 RC system, a used two-axis servo driven camera mount (Photoship One MKTR), some FPV gear (Iftron vtx and rx), and a brand new Canon T2i (and a really nice soldering iron but that goes without saying!).

Shortly after that, MultiRotorForums.com was born. You see, up until that point social media that focused on multi-rotor helicopters was scarce. If you wanted to find other enthusiasts you either had to go to single sub-forum areas of much larger RC sites that were very cluttered with disinformation or to the few manufacturer/vendor sponsored forums and then conversations were likely restricted to what each vendor sold.

MultiRotorForums.com was the first dedicated multi-rotor specific, world-wide online community where all brands of multi-rotor helicopters could be discussed openly and free from censorship (provided you're objective and civil, disagree but do so with a smile please! :) )

So it was with a cup of tea and a brownie in my hand that I just noticed my registration date under my avatar, January 5, 2011, FIVE YEARS AGO!!

That's five years of posting to and maintaining this site, every morning, usually every night as well. Nurturing it and our wonderful membership towards so many first flights and other milestones we couldn't have possibly kept track of them all.

You guys/gals are awesome and it's been a pleasure to have spent the last five years learning with you and from you while seeing some amazingly creative people sharing their incredible work.

Thank you for the contributions you've all made just by being active at the site each and every day. Thank you for all of the help you've given me and each other and thank you for always keeping the tone mellow, civil, and sincerely helpful. Thank you those of you that have served or still serve as moderators or have volunteered your time to contribute in some way. It's all been very much appreciated.

Warmest regards,

Old Man

Active Member
Happy birthday!!!, thanks for the forum:), and be thankful you never had to go to the Blue Dolphin on a quest for information:eek:

I'll let you scratch your head for a moment before I reference the first Police Academy movie;)


MRF was a real find for me. I was struggling to obtain the high quality photography I wanted from the air and was beginning to think it just wasn't possible. But then I met a few people here that were doing exactly what I liked professionally. Even better, they were friendly and helpful. How odd for a forum on the Internet. :) And all the time in the background there was this Bartman guy pounding away on the keyboard making sure all the magic kept happening. Thank you very much!
