hello to all


formalities out the way first me thinks.

Im Lee, nice to meet you all, nice to be met.

sooooooooo, started getting multirotor interested a while ago now and its slowly been progressing into a full grown addiction.

started small (as many advised me to) with small nanocopters like the hubsans and similiar to get a good "feel" for multi. flying and the control dynamics involved (bloody glad I did too, dont know how many times I plowed the poor little things into trees, fences, walls and my own head on more than one occassion) but as advised it did give me plenty of much needed flight experience (and a couple of noggin lumps).

good year went by before I stepped up to something bigger, my son had grown bored of the AR.Drone Id bought him a fair while ago and it now sat forlorn and un-used in a cupboard, I myself saw it pretty much as nothing but a toy trying to be what I considered a true multirotor (their way to restricted by wifi range and the controls are so idiot proof its almost comical).

After he told me I could do with it whatever I wanted I immediately MacGuyver Modded it so it could be flown from a standard TX which then obviously released it from its wifi cage, this only served however to give me a bit of experience flying a slightly larger version "toy" quad over the previous mentioned hubsans etc and I longed to build my own.

finally got around to doing it a couple of weeks ago and was out and about flying the same day I built it (was more than a little self-proud......... ok I was a lot)

decided I should really finish the job properly and stripped the quad back down (I admit I rushed it out of excitement the first time) so that I could fix some balance issues caused by some irregular component placing, it flew well enough but going by the motor temps alone when you only hovered in place for a couple of minutes the rear motors were working a little harder than the fronts (plus Id had to trim out reverse drift quite a bit).

I forgot to mention what it is Im flying!, Its a Dji 450 Flamewheel clone frame with a QQ Super FC and kv1000 motors.

now heres the bit what will make the pro's tut and roll their eyes while the semi's and fellow amateurs roll about pissin themselves.

I took it out for its initial rebuild test flight, started up, took off and hovered perfectly at around 3ft (only the tiniest bit of drift), and again I was back to feeling self-impressed.

flicked it over to throttle hold so I could close in and observe any motor vibration their might be but before I could I noticed the new configuration had slightly altered thrust and the quad was slowly rising (about an inch a second).

quickly went into my TX's setting menu to adjust the T-hold level down abit but in my rush I pressed the wrong button and instead of entering T-hold settings I went instead into Model select (my TX can hold 6 different models).

unfortunately for me the model I accidently flicked too had the throttle channel reversed and there was a mighty roar of brushless motors as the tiny bit of throttle needed to hover instantly became nearly full throttle and my newly rebuilt quad shot straight up like a rocket.

flapping like a nun about to be caught in a latex bunny suit I desperately tried to correct my error but was a little slow as the quad passed what Im guessing was near 300ft in seconds and caught a nasty sidewind that immediately flipped it and pretty much ended any chance I had of recovery.

came down faster than prostitutes undies<deep sigh>

damage report was shockingly mild though, two frame arms damaged (one severely), two motors took the brunt of the impact and are definetly dead, props damaged or missing (they were only cheapo 1045's for testing anyway) and the lower plate bent.

Ill be getting a new frame soon enough and replacing all the motors along with it, the esc's seem fine and respond like normal, the FC worked fine too in my freinds x-mode frame when he let me use it to test it.

guess Ill count my lucky stars that their wasnt more damage and I wasnt anywhere near houses were there might have been people around for a deviant falling quadcopter to hit (thought still makes me a bit queezy)

anyway thats my slightly long winded introduction and a little bit of a laff for you all, hope you enjoyed.


dang... my condolences on the rather large crash! I'm still tinkering with my first build and haven't really out it through its paces until I get into a large field...

I have the same issue with rear drift in auto level mode and I'm still not sure how to fix it. I have used manual mode ...still waiting to get to that field.


just built it into a new frame last night (x-mode alien) and only done a couple of test hovers (so far so good)

The FC I chose is probably the most simplistic and user freindly one available right now, ideal for beginner builds like mine, it has the most basic setup with permanent auto-leveling (no acro-mode) and minimalistic setup (its practically plug-and-play), my friend compared both my FC and his KK2 board in his frame and he was genuinely surprised how stable the flight characteristic of mine was out-the-box.

Id recommend my FC to anyone just starting out.

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