Heavy Lift days numbered?? Canon 5D3 Raw


Guys over at Magic Lantern just cracked the 5D3 for continuous RAW! http://www.eoshd.com/content/10352/easier-5d-mark-iii-raw-guide-in-4-steps

Pretty stoked as we have a pair that we've used strictly for stills as video was far too soft previously. This changes it's role significantly. We've been on the fence whether to purchase the BMCC4K but this effectively changes the landscape. No its not 4k and no 60FPS is only 720 but most of our clients who initially talk about shooting 4K downrez to 1920 or even 720 anyways! We've had the Skyjib for nearly 9 months now and its only had two Scarlet lifts. I'm sure there will always be a market for Epic lifts but with the BMCC4k, FS700 4K add on and now 5D3 Raw closing the Dynamic Range gap, my guess is smaller productions are going to be thrilled with any these cameras, none of which need a heavy lifter. Death of the Skyjib?? We'll see, either way 5D3 Raw is pretty exciting.

(Ironically Vincent laForet pooh poohed the announcement. Guess it must be nice being on the Canon/FreeFly gravy train)
