Greetings from northern New Jersey


OK, I have been bitten by the multirotor bug. I have watched many more than enough youtube videos to see that this is something I want to get into. I have been shooting stuff (with a camera) all my life. I have always observed the R/C hobby from a distance, and thought, "that looks like fun, but..." and never got into it. But,now, jeez - gyros and accelerometers and gimbals -oh my! SO, I dove into the details of building a quad a few weeks ago, and bought an itty bitty one to learn the basics of handling. I have started a build thread and would appreciate your input.


Welcome over here Steve. Like posted previously there are many experienced and helpful builders here who can help you with your build. Good luck.


Welcome to!!
New Jersey in the house <said in loud booming voice>!

Welcome to the site Steve. We've got enough NJ folks here that there is no longer any reason why we shouldn't rename the site Multirotorforums of New Jersey, USA. Anyone mind?

Nice to have you join us and we'll see you in the spring for the first ever International World of New Jersey Multi-Rotors Fly-In International to be held in a yet to be determined location at a yet to be determined date.


International World of New Jersey Multi-Rotors Fly-In International to be held in a yet to be determined location at a yet to be determined date.
I am in favor of that! I have actually been in contact with a couple of "traditional RC Clubs" and have learned that there are zero multirotor flyers in that crowd.


New Member
Newbie with gimbals here but I am having issues setting it up to run smoothly....Anyone in Northern NJ around to help me out????
RC Timer 3 axis gimbal with Alexmos board....can't get it to operate properly...updated software but something is still off.........

Any of your knowledge would be much appreciated as all my knowledge is in photography.... :)



hey NJ boys ;)
Im crying for help right here !!!
Having hard time with my heavy lift Octo - APM 2.6 board.
any help will be more than welcome ;)
