Good evening from Sydney, Australia.


Hi guys,

First time here, looking for information and opinions on hardware for beginners and any tips and tricks as i am interested in building my own multi.
diy ftw imo.
look forward to the learning curve ahead.



Hi NeRvD,

Welcome aboard! There's a few of us here from Sydney, but it's always great to have some more Aussies around for moral support ;)

The forum here is a pretty good resource for getting started - plenty of excellent help and reading to get you going.

My 2c worth - get a tiny microcopter and learn to fly FIRST. I had a Blade Nano like something from this page:

You won't be really able to use it outside, but throwing it around the house will give you lots of practice fast. Learn to fly in complete manual, although you'll find it frustrating for the first weeks. It will give you the reactions you need.

While you're doing this you can start planning your first build. Bartman has a great video tutorial on building a DJI F450. It's easy, and a good way to get into understanding many of the issues. Downside is that you might outgrow it pretty quickly, although you can upgrade it fairly easily, with a wide range of parts. You might want to invest in a good set of motors and ESC's first to make it worthwhile.

Have a read through some of the build threads and get a feel for what others are doing. But don't try to bite off more than you can chew first.

Also check out the Australia section in the forum too. See you around!
