Foldable and/or Backpack Rigs!


You have to look at Ferdinands videos - believe he does a 6kg lift. Bear in mind I would consider this more in the medium lift category - Small DSLRs etc. So far my experience has been that people quite often stick larger cameras like Canon 5D2/3 under machines not really able to handle the weight and are overflying the limits of their craft.


Thanks for the info, I am almost ready to pull the trigger. It is between the foldable X8 and the Skyjib X4. My nly concern with buying a small name frame is availability of extra parts and the gimbals that it supports.


It is a fair concern. This is a guy in his garage (albeit a VERY sharp guy) putting together a one off. I think the key here is that this is a niche rig. The two in my opinion (Foxxboxx vs SkyjibX4) are very different machines and are only comparable because they are multis. We need something that deploys up and down quickly and goes on an airplane. We have a very specific payload and it really is a custom solution. We're finding the vast majority of our Clients are looking for smaller lifts not heavier so it makes sense for our business model. It might not for yours. Seems like everyone is building bigger (ourselves included, we fly a flat Skyjib as well) but you might be surprised at how much/how often you really need/want to risk on every flight.


New Member
The company I work for went out to Colorado for Sparkfun comp. and we brought along a 3 Y6 to have, one to compete with and 2 for backup. Here's a pretty cool picture of my flight team manager's carry on.

We had the two copters, two transmitters, and 2 lipo batteries going along for the ride in that bag! Pretty cool, TSA didn't really care and they were just more interested in what they were!

