Flight Controller UpGrade Options


Hi all

Looking for some advice for my next flight controller option

Being quite new to this I have only used KK2 boards or CC3D boards and although I have go them all working well I am looking to try something a bit more adventurous and that for me is now looking for a board that supports GPS and return to Home. So after searching on the net and came across NAZE32 boards with their 10DOF and Full boards appearing to fit the bill, although not to sure what the difference is, any one understand these boards that could advise me which to go for.

Also anyone got any recommendations for any other suitable flight Control boards I may have missed.

Money is an object though so nothing too expensive please, I can get the NAZE32 Full for £23 from China.

Thanks in advance for any help and recommendations.


I have heard good things about the Naze 32. If your familar with the CC3D then the Naze 32 would probably be an easy switch for you. If your comfortable with the set up and using GUI's then the Pixhawk would be a nice upgrade although more costly.
