First real flight test with fy91q on a 330x


Holly crap! Are my fingers COLD!

Took her over to my little flying site between the developments, ( got to love building construction has stopped ).
45* F, 1 mph wind, sun shine.
Took 3 batterys with me. Figured I would shoot the first one just trimming her out better, but within 30 seconds it was evident I didn't need to touch it, and my desire to go under the goggles got the best of me, so I brought her back in and plugged in the goggles, slipped them over my eyes and took off.

Holly crap, again!
I only lifted off the ground a foot or so. This is harder than it appears! Got it stabilized, sort of, then it started drifting left, over-corrected, over corrected again and again,,,, panicked now as I have no orentation to really tell what I'm doing, and with it being my first time and all. I shut down the motors, let her hit the ground and took off the goggles. I was only a couple feet off of where I took off!
There's a single light pole between me and the car, plus a curb, ( future cul-des-ac ), and I was sure I was going to fly her into something!
Didn't help as the cheap $4 pan/tilt mechanism isn't play free, she was shaking pretty good under the goggles, plus the pan servo was jittering.
Hey, don't roll your eyes at me! You know very well you couldn't have resisted either.

Looked her over, no damage what so ever, so, calibrated the compass and took off again.
This time with my glasses, but left the goggles on my for-head.
Took it up 20 feet and 20 feet out, hit and locked hover mode for rth reference point.

Took her up 30 feet and out 60, hit hover mode. She settled into a pretty as you please stationary hover!
When a gust hit's her she pushes off a little, maybe 3 feet then returns back to the hover locked position, all the time holding the same altitude.

So, back into stable mode, move her even farther out and repeat. Same result, just too cool!!!
Did this 2 other times.

Now, up about 100 feet, out maybe 300, in hover mode. radio timer, set at 5 minutes, goes off at the 1 minute left before 5 minutes expired mark.
Turned on the return to home.
Panic attack immenent. She tilts over backwards about 30 degrees! I'm thinking, oh ****! No problem though. Kept my hands off the controls, but fingers hovering over the sticks just in case. She comes back to and down to my origional rth set point reference and just hovers there waiting for me!!!

Set her down and changed batterys. Reset the timer on my radio and off again.
This time I go into hover and slip on the goggles, secure in the knowledge I don't have to worry about the controls.
Cool! Video was shaking side to side due to the servo jitter, ( cheap *** 9g servo ), but I was very amazed at the video quality. Not in focus, didn't set the focus up I'm afraid, but it was close enough that I know if the jitter wasn't screwing up I could have made out details.

Used the rudder stick to swing her around in hover to new heading, checking out the immediate area. Pushed the collective forward and moved her about, released the sticks and she just sits there stable as can be.

Did this until the battery alarm went back on. Took off the goggles and put my glasses back on.
Oh, there it is! About 400 feet out and 150 high. Clear over on the other side of where I was flying! Didn't realize I was so far from where I was at.

Switched to rth, she goes back to where I first turned it on. Forgot to set the first hover point after taking off, so it went to where I was at when I first activated it.

Ok, back to stabilized and bring her back in. Just touched down when the 5 minutes expired.
I set the timer to 5 minutes as this is the first time to compute mah consumption per minute.

Put in a third battery. Left the goggles off this time.

Took her up, set the first hover point reference 10 feet high and 20 feet in front of me, then back to stable mode for a little fun flying!.

Buzzed her around for a few minutes doing circles and 8's, stuff like that.

Then took her out 400 feet and 200 feet up, put her in hover mode for a full 2 minutes, hands totally off the controls, radio down at my side. She just sat there in a perfect hover, no toilet bowl effect, no drift, no altitude change, just sat there as sweet as can be!

Buzzer warns me 1 minute left, so turned on rth. She comes down and back to the origional set hover reference point just as sweet as can be.
Got hit by a good gust of wind that knocked her off her track a good 6 feet, but she corrected just fine all by herself and settled into a hover right where I set her origionally and patiently awaited me to do something.
Back to stable and landed her.

Happy doesn't adiquately describe what I feel now! I am totally elated by the experience.

The pan/tilt sucked, but what I really expected from it, so no suprise there. I figure a little soft foam around the pivot point will take care of vibs from the slop, but a servo that doesn't chatter is necessary.
No concerned though. The new quad comes with a pretty good mount, and I got the perfect servos for it.
Glad I didn't get rid of the analog servos I took off my birds when I went fbl now.

The fy91q performed flawlessly. The manual is really well done, simple to set it all up. I'm very happy with it's purchase.
One wonders about these things. You try reading all the posts, trying to filter out the bad ones, whether they are legitimate issues or more likely incorect set up. It's all artificial intelligence, just like fbl controllers. If you don't set up the controller and your bird right, sure, it will fly like ****.
No, this thing worked as advertised. I couldn't be happier!
I primarilly bought it so I could take off, put it in hover, then put on the goggles and go fly.

I wasn't far off on battery consumption. I put back 1556mah after a 5 minute flight into 2200mah pack, so 311.2mah per minute running everything off of 1 battery. 5 minutes of good flight, plus some to spare to bring her back and land.
I can increase that by running the controller and video tx off it's own battery, or using 2 2200mah batterys in parallel.
For now 5 minutes is enough.

Oh, and before I forget, the prop colors stood out beautifully in the sky. No problem at all trying to figure out it's orentation.

Happy Dance.gif

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Jake Bullit

that was a really good read, very exciting. sounds like you had a blast, and your setup was working well.
just got in myself from a nightflight.about 1 degree above freezing, but this is the first time I've flown for a couple of weeks due to windy weather.

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Thanks Jake.

Just got into quads a month ago. Got the 330x as a test-bed, see if it's really what I want to do, now I'm hooked like a trout!

Got an RC Carbon small quad comming, and ordered some mt2216-10 900kv motors and 30esc's to go with it. The FY91q will go on that then.

Was really worried reading all the bad things that everybody said about the 91q, but same thing happens with every product.
Got to say I am so pleased with it. Maybe I just don't know any better. But, after messing around with 6 different fbl controllers you learn to recognise mechanical vs. firmware issues.

Only thing I have to agree with the critics is that in hover mode it is difficult to move the bird around, just like a coax heli. Just flip it into stable mode, move it and into hover again, no problem. I can live with that.

Night flights,,, can't wait!
