First Flight


As with all things...there are 'firsts'. And today, another 'first' happened....................First Flight

After all the 'little things' finally got themselves ironed-out, we are off the ground(although it was just the backyard, so not serious flight other then up and down took place)!

The video!!!!

I learned a lot of little things about this first four minute flight:

*The flight controls definitely have a 'feel' to them

*The slider on the backside of the Futaba certainly doesn't feel like it moves as fast as it does(I need to move it much slower to keep people from 'falling-out-of-the-seats' while watching)

*GPS works great!(not much wind at all this morning....but when I did get a slight breeze, it stayed right where it was supposed to)

*Editting sucks!(sorry, all I have is the stuff that came with the laptop and I need to find better music-cause no one wants to hear 'props')

*I see props....not sure what to do about this yet? But I'm sure there is an answer to that(more searching and reading)

*I did not see 'jello'...WOOHOO!!!!

I have questions, but I'll ask those somewhere else. Most dealing with time of flight safety, battery levels, and editting of the videos. Thanks for watching, always interested in any comments!

Scott (it went up, it went down - softly) B
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Nice Job the video looks great. I too have to work on slower maneuvering. I use a battery monitor like this. It beeps really loud when the battery gets low. Leaves you enough time to land.


As with all things...there are 'firsts'. And today, another 'first' happened....................First Flight

Feels good doesn't it?? Glad to hear you're in the air! And no jello is really really nice.... You can spend a lot of time chasing that. The no props is pretty easily solved. I just changed the initial starting point (or upper limit) on my gimbal so the camera doesn't tilt high enough to see the props. Again congrats Scott!


Excellent. bit of tuning to be done on the gimbal though.

Yes, the gimbal was set at 135/100/100/ is now at 82/100/100/130.
There is a weird thing that happens when it is pointed straight down too, but I'll ask that in a different topic in case someone else that is new(like me) needs to find an answer too?!?!?

Thanks everyone, it's nice to be UP!

Scott (coffee = must be a food group) B
