Firmware 5.12a Beta - Octo users, please give your comments

Octo NZ

I have downloaded the version 5.12 with my Octo.
Then when I powered it, I had some power bursts into motor #7 and #8 when idle. I have tried to fly but the bird was very unstable.
I did not insist and had a look at the forums : people were warning octo users about issues with this firmware version (some of them had the motors shut during the flight).
I then decided to downgrade my firmware from 5.12 to 5.08

Since then, DJI has released a new version that is supposed to fix the problem : 5.12a beta
The "beta" is quite annoying and I was wondering if anyone who experienced some issues with 5.12, has been brave enough to fly with the latest 5.12a ?
I didn't find any comment about the very latest DJI release (5.12a); I would be happy to get yours.:02.47-tranquillity:


Hi Octo NZ!

I've a flat octo, previously an MK Okto XL converted to WK-M. I used both 5.12 and 5.12a with no issues. There was a noted difference in my gains for the two FW upgrades though. I had to dial down gains on 5.12A.

Here's a video of my octo on 5.12:

And here's another one from the same octo but with 5.12a.

I've read somewhere that problems are with users with traditional rxs. I'm using a futaba S-Bus.


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Octo NZ

Thanks for your reply and the nice videos Arnold.
Your bird is very stable. Is it as stable in windy conditions? Mine is stable only if it's very low wind.

I also read that the Octocopter with s-bus receiver were not affected by the glitch.

I use a traditional receiver and I would like to hear from that type of users if there are.


Hi Octo NZ!

I've a flat octo, previously an MK Okto XL converted to WK-M. I used both 5.12 and 5.12a with no issues. There was a noted difference in my gains for the two FW upgrades though. I had to dial down gains on 5.12A.

Here's a video of my octo on 5.12:

And here's another one from the same octo but with 5.12a.

I've read somewhere that problems are with users with traditional rxs. I'm using a futaba S-Bus.



Hi congratulation for you vid, i have a okto dridworx with boom 465 , axi 2814/22 prop 13x6.5 lipo 2 x 4s 5000 but the motor very very hot :( the droid total weigth 6.7kg
what esc do you have? what timing setup?
best regards
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