East Coast Fly-In?


you're an OpenPilot user? I may have to bring mine as well. It's still on my XA frame that will be liquidated soon so the board needs somewhere to go. It's an original CC board though, any use in getting it flying again? DIdn't they stop making it?

It's still a solid controller. They switch hardware up so they just discontinued making the first version. New version is similar...Some say better. Feels the same to me. Bring it, we'll get it sorted out. The latest FW ans GCS should be available by then. Good stuff coming out of OP!


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It's still a solid controller. They switch hardware up so they just discontinued making the first version. New version is similar...Some say better. Feels the same to me. Bring it, we'll get it sorted out. The latest FW ans GCS should be available by then. Good stuff coming out of OP!

THanks. I was going to use a spare MK FC 2.1 for a fun/FPV quad but I'd rather try the OpenPilot board. THe board is practically new except for a few wild rides on the XAircraft X650 quad.



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well, i tried to take it out this morning but i couldn't get the flight batteries to balance on the charger so now they're cycling (and cycling and cycling) to try to get them to balance. dual 2300 mah A123 packs, it shouldn't be that hard to get them to accept a balanced charge.

we'll see. i've got a couple of smaller electrics I can bring also in case anyone wants to chase them around and try shooting video.



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It's great that you're taking the time to scope out a few locations but the only thing I don't like about the Colliers Mills location is that it's so close to McGuire Air Force Base. As far as location goes I think it's good for the Philly/Baltimore/NYC folks and maybe even the more devout New Englanders in the crowd. Let's kick a few more ideas around. A little more green grass and less scrub grass would be nice too.



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i was thinking maybe the areas around Rutgers' football stadium but by Aug 25th they'll likely be back in school and the campus security would probably chase us off anyway.


That would be ideal, but I can imagine that we'd be escorted from the campus quickly. I used to fly on Princeton campus on occasion and when class is in session they are a bit more vigilant at keeping non-university folks off the campus.


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how about this?

I've got a pretty nice park by my house. there are four lacrosse fields side by side, all with very soft green grass. We can hang there for a few hours and then go to my house up the street and make some burgers/dogs before everyone heads home.



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anyone else? Kilby? Mailman? RTRyder? SanderX? J3Cub? Robstach?

Anyone from Long Island? Central PA? Elsewhere in NJ?


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Anyone else? I wonder if they allow RC flying in Liberty State Park??? THat would be a really nice place to fly.


bart, im in at this point i hopefully dont have to worry about work.
still looking at next weekend?
the 25th?
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