Dromida Ominus e-board - newbie


New Member
I think I need a new board for my Dromida Ominus after crashing in water. It ran OK after that for awhile but now won't link up. Looking online for a new board there seems to be 2 types out there, a Dromida E-board Green and a Dromida E-board - Red. To me they look the same but the Red is about 1/3 less expensive. Anybody know the difference? Also, any thoughts on why I cannot link up or is it the board?


Could be corrosion. Might get lucky using "contact cleaner" & a toothbrush to clean up the board. That's assuming it hasn't damaged any components already. YMMV.


I have notice a few times crashing mine that it hangs up and I have to disconnect the battery to get it to respond.
I know that doesn't matter in your case, don't know much about the boards. Can you match up a number on them?

I'm going to make an assumption here so I may be wrong, but I believe they are just for the colors that your quad is. They have a blue, red, yellow, and green board. Are you sure that you aren't looking at the FPV board which is about 2x as much?
