DJI Wookong X650 V4 Build Advice

Hi Guys

Just starting build of the DJI Wookong X650 V4 Combo package from Geoff at Quadcopters. This is my first build and I should add that I'm a total nube with no experience of RC or Multirotor apart from hours of practise on the Phoenix FS. The mixed package is obviously a more difficult build and I need help and advice.

The X650 frame instructions refer to X650 electronics and placement of the DJI components is proving to be a problem.
Any help with the placement of the electronics within the frame (photos, sketches, advice) would be most welcome.



Pic of a standard install. A good start would be to make sure your IMU is dead center of the quad.

The photos are very helpful, thanks for the swift response guys.

Geoff, as I cannot see the IMU on your build I take it that you have positioned it directly below the MC?

quadcopters Drone Specialists
Yes IMU is mounted at the bottom yes , and then the MCU sits on the AHRS mounting plate that comes in the frame kit.

