DJI Naza lite compared to Normal Naza

Hey guys,

So anyone try out a Naza Lite that has a naza?

I’m not a naza guy but I have a lot of experience with HoverFly, KK2, SuperX and a few other flight controls.

I am doing a review for my day gig at RCG and i was sent a Naza lite. The frame is a SkyHero Spyder.
It’s a pretty cool frame and I was hopping to make it into a big FPV monster.

I have Avroto 770kv motors, and Maytech 45 amp esc’s and have everything run cleanly and “nice nice”.

I plugged in everything and set the naza to “recommended settings” and went to fly.
This Naza lite has the GPS, and it calibrated with no issues.

The rig flys, and the GPS holds, but I can not tune out some weird twitching. The rig is kind of stable, but will oscillate once in a while,
or do some weird twitching. i took it to a buddy who ONLY flys Naza and he said he has never had this issue with his Naza’s.

I tried a bunch of gain settings and even put the “attitude’ gains on a slider and tried to tune it on the fly but nothing works.
I would slowly crank the gains until the twitching got worse and then backed off, it would fly OK but then all of a sudden do some weird twitch.

I am wondering if this is just the lite version just not being the unit the Naza is supposed to be.

The main box is dead nuts in the CG of the aircraft. The GPS is 5 CM behind it and 10 CM up.
That is all input into the GUI.

I’m at a loss. The ESC’s are not simokK but are programmed properly, the radio is set up properly.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Is the “lite’ just a inferior version of the Naza?

Found my own answer on a FPV forum.. SON OF A *****.
It's the normal behavior of naza lite.
First 2 to 3 minutes is difficult to have a stable hovering, the GPS seem to be worthless.
Completely different from naza v1 or v2.

Just test, after acquiring satellites (all green) leave it in the ground for 3 minutes. Then take off and test.

Leaning back is also normal, back right or back left, depends on the weather
. Since you have an heavier setup, this tendencies seem to be worst. Woobles are also a typical behavior of lite. You can tune if you want but for descend you will get always wooble behavior.

I had a lite for some days, thanks god i got rid of it.

Support is worthless, i bet to anyone they don't care and do not release a single update:

Even Phantom as Naza v1 or v2, for some reason, no ?

Hum. I have a hex on a Naza-M V1 and a quad that's running on a Naza-M Lite.

Like the other poster mentioned, I've found that the Lite doesn't have the built-in warm-up cycle as the 'real' have to leave it on the ground for a few minutes to warm up on its own.

The Lite did exhibit the occasional 'twitch', but I have since mounted the controller on Kyosho Zeal Gel Tape and tuned down some of the gains; that has eliminated the majority of the twitchy behavior. It still wobbles a lot when descending through its own prop wash...but my hex does that too. For smooth descents, make sure that you're moving forward or backward so that you're flying through 'cleaner' air.

Yes, the Naza-M Lite is just an inferior version of the Naza. It's not 'as good' as the main Naza-M line. It is, however, 'good enough' for many applications. I'm pretty happy with the Lite on my just-for-fun-FPV quad.

I wouldn't dream of putting a Lite on an aerial photography rig, though.

P.S. Your sig should use 'their' instead of 'there'. And yes. Having 10 multirotors in one's sig does make one cool. :)
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The Lite did exhibit the occasional 'twitch', but I have since mounted the controller on Kyosho Zeal Gel Tape and tuned down some of the PID's; that has eliminated the majority of the twitchy behavior. It still wobbles a lot when descending through its own prop wash...but my hex does that too. For smooth descents, make sure that you're moving forward or backward so that you're flying through 'cleaner' air.

Yes, the Naza-M Lite is just an inferior version of the Naza. It's not 'as good' as the main Naza-M line. It is, however, 'good enough' for many applications. I'm pretty happy with the Lite on my just-for-fun-FPV quad.

I wouldn't dream of putting a Lite on an aerial photography rig, though.

Me too.... It does what I expected it to do and it has the little twitches as Jareth said but I just wanted it to learn flying quads and learn FPV. Works fine for that! :)

And can anyone loan me 6 MR's so I can list 10? I wanna be cool too! ;)

Yea I have no interest in using the lite for an AV rig, this was just for a review and possibly a fun FPV rig, but it just sucks so bad that it’s not even usable for that.
So the consensus i’m getting is that 500mm and under and the lite is OK (also light weight) any bigger and you get “twitches”.

On all my bigger rigs I use the SuperX or my hoverFly Pro.

I HATE DJI and I have never liked the Naza, I think they fly very “choppy” compared to other flight controllers, and this experience just helps me never want to give them my money.

miner mike

New Member
Yea I have no interest in using the lite for an AV rig, this was just for a review and possibly a fun FPV rig, but it just sucks so bad that it’s not even usable for that.
So the consensus i’m getting is that 500mm and under and the lite is OK (also light weight) any bigger and you get “twitches”.

On all my bigger rigs I use the SuperX or my hoverFly Pro.

I HATE DJI and I have never liked the Naza, I think they fly very “choppy” compared to other flight controllers, and this experience just helps me never want to give them my money.

Hate? should be a nice review. Thank's

The review is on the frame, not the FC. I have never hidden the fact that I can’t stand DJI or NAZA...
The FC will not be mentioned in the review, except that a "NAZA is the FC” being used. The lite is already out, I’m sourcing a regular Naza.
I’d love to put in another SuperX or a hoverfly, but my budget won’t allow.

My reviews are always unbiased, i tell it like it is, but I would refuse to review a DJI product, no interest.


Welcome to!!
because this is where the folks with the best info are! duh!

edit: forgot the smiley :) duh!
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Wannabe AP Dude
Seeing this thread explains a lot. Below is a email I sent to UAV Products (DJI Support for US), and the place I bought my Lite from.

Issue - I am having a problem with my Naza m-Lite (no GPS). The quad copter takes off in a normal attitude, but with in a few seconds it tilts down to the front and wants to move forward. If I don’t pull back on the elevator, it keeps accelerating forward.

Equipment – Flip Sport, SunnySky 2212 – 980KV, DJI 30 Amp ESCs, 2200MAH 3S batteries, Airtornics SD-10G radio.

Startup – one red flash, 4 green flashes, and the continuous slow yellow flashing.

Naza is mounted as close to COG as humanly possible.

What I have tried –
Multiple gain settings. I have had the vertical as high as 250 with out any vibration which surprised me.
IMU is calibrated.
I tried placing a shim under the corner of the Naza to try and compensate for the forward flight.
Problem is worse with bigger props. Usually fly 9x4.5, but have flown 8” and 10”.
This is my 4[SUP]th[/SUP] Naza setup and all of them have worked as expected, except this one. I have had this problem since day 1.

Needless to say I am very frustrated and would appreciate any help you can provide.



I haven't heard back from UAV yet, it has been a couple of days. Not sure what there level of customer service is. Will post if I get a reply.

Now on to the second question - Why do people put there rigs down here? If you have 10 does that make you cool? ​- I do it so that when I post a question those trying to help me can see what equipment I use. As we all know certain components do not always play nice with other components, and it might help those who are trying to trouble shoot my issue. I can see the other side of being "cool" or bragging though. For me it just makes it easier than identifying all the components and forgetting one, or eliminating a plethora of questions around what equipment I use.

and your point for posting here is what?

My point was to find out if others were having this problem. If you read my first post.
I was not sure if i had done something wrong with the set up.
Many hours later and reading several forums and posts and what not I answered my own question and provided the info for others.
What’s your deal? What in your eyes did I do wrong?

FACT: The Naza lite is not the same as the Naza as it is mostly advertised "sans a few features", it acts like a completely different FC.
So I think people need to know that now.


Formerly DJIUSA
I can't help but think you have a bad Naza Lite unit. We sell a ton of these and for the money they are a great bang for the buck and we get very few customers not happy about them.
Really the Lite is a V1 with a firmware locked from upgrading to the V1 or V2 firmwares and the ability to use the V2 accessories.
There are posts out there where customers have opened up the all the Naza's and found the internals "the same". I know, for example, to use the V2 led / usb you have to solder the pins (inside MC) because that is why it won't work.

I know I know I will get judged for being bias and a DJI cheerleader etc. I'm just stating what I know and not using any smoke and mirrors. For every unhappy DJI customer there are 100 that love them.

Again, it sounds as if the MC is faulty and you need to go the warranty route from the dealer you purchased it from.

After all the Naza Lite with GPS is only $209.


Wannabe AP Dude
I purchased it from you, and am still waiting for an email reply.

I can't help but think you have a bad Naza Lite unit. We sell a ton of these and for the money they are a great bang for the buck and we get very few customers not happy about them.
Really the Lite is a V1 with a firmware locked from upgrading to the V1 or V2 firmwares and the ability to use the V2 accessories.
There are posts out there where customers have opened up the all the Naza's and found the internals "the same". I know, for example, to use the V2 led / usb you have to solder the pins (inside MC) because that is why it won't work.

I know I know I will get judged for being bias and a DJI cheerleader etc. I'm just stating what I know and not using any smoke and mirrors. For every unhappy DJI customer there are 100 that love them.

Again, it sounds as if the MC is faulty and you need to go the warranty route from the dealer you purchased it from.

After all the Naza Lite with GPS is only $209.


Formerly DJIUSA
Yes, you sent me an email with the link to this thread.

You have to warranty the MC unit. I will send the ship to addy via email.


Wannabe AP Dude
I purchased it from you, and am still waiting for an email reply.
Senior moment for whatever reasons the email did not get sent, and I did not check to see if I received an email confirmation. My apologies.


New Member
More NAZA-M Lite issues

I purchased my Lite system from Atlanta Hobbies and my neighbor a week later from Heli World. We both have similar issues, the quad will not take off without correction on the first startup. If you don't correct it will actually flip over, if you land and power cycle it will then take off correctly without correction. I have emailed AH and they after two emails requested I send the entire quad to them for evaluation this is where I purchased mine after reading about their excellent customer service. My neighbor called and I called HW on his befalf as he is 79 years old they had no idea why we had this problem. After he called again they emailed him and said he must have the props on incorrectly. I have not checked the serial#'s of the MC's but wonder if there is a problem with some in a series. It is obvious that they are not willing or prepared to deal with this issue. I have not tried waiting 3+ minutes before takeoff and will try that in the morning we have both made every concievable change to our setups trying to rule out everything we can think of with no positive results. We are both flying with Hitec Eclipse 7 radios which it seems no one else is using so he has ordered an Aurora 9 to see if that may be the issue.

The as I see them "excuses" we have received as support seem that they are not even listening to the issues we are reporting. This being mainly from Heli World and I would think that sending my quad 1500 miles for an evaluation is extreme for the first response in request for support. We really have not experienced extreme jitters as I can tell but most flying has been done in the wind.

Mine in particular needs correction after the first takeoff and then always wants to go right. Today I was able to takeoff with little correction the first time but as soon as I gave some ailiron input it tilted right and headed that way by itself.

I took my Naza-M Lite controlled quad out this morning and I have to say...I ran into some similar issues. It didn't flip on first take-off but it *did* require a lot more correction than my Naza-M V1 or V2 controlled craft. Furthermore, even though it was launched in GPS mode...the craft kept wanting to tilt right until it had warmed up a bit and I toggled the 'GPS mode' switch off and then back on.

Once the quad had 'warmed up', it handled much better. Truth be told, I ended up having a *GREAT* day flying.

Other folks have said that the Naza-M Lite has the same hardware as the Naza-M V1 but is locked to older firmware, and I believe them. The Lite is, IMO, a great flight controller for its cost. someone that also owns a Naza-M V1, I have to add that the updated firmware *DOES* seem to make a significant difference.


I purchased my Lite system from Atlanta Hobbies and my neighbor a week later from Heli World. We both have similar issues, the quad will not take off without correction on the first startup. If you don't correct it will actually flip over, if you land and power cycle it will then take off correctly without correction. I have emailed AH and they after two emails requested I send the entire quad to them for evaluation this is where I purchased mine after reading about their excellent customer service. My neighbor called and I called HW on his befalf as he is 79 years old they had no idea why we had this problem. After he called again they emailed him and said he must have the props on incorrectly. I have not checked the serial#'s of the MC's but wonder if there is a problem with some in a series. It is obvious that they are not willing or prepared to deal with this issue. I have not tried waiting 3+ minutes before takeoff and will try that in the morning we have both made every concievable change to our setups trying to rule out everything we can think of with no positive results. We are both flying with Hitec Eclipse 7 radios which it seems no one else is using so he has ordered an Aurora 9 to see if that may be the issue.

The as I see them "excuses" we have received as support seem that they are not even listening to the issues we are reporting. This being mainly from Heli World and I would think that sending my quad 1500 miles for an evaluation is extreme for the first response in request for support. We really have not experienced extreme jitters as I can tell but most flying has been done in the wind.

Mine in particular needs correction after the first takeoff and then always wants to go right. Today I was able to takeoff with little correction the first time but as soon as I gave some ailiron input it tilted right and headed that way by itself.

Mine does that somewhat too but in my case I think it is more related to ground effect rotor wash. Once I get it two feet or so off the ground it is solid as a rock and doesn't go right by itself as yours does. For the last year or so I've been flying helicopters which are always a little squirrely to get off the ground so it doesn't bother me much. Just gotta be quick on the sticks at first... Anyhow, count me as one of the happy DJI customers.


New Member
Not Unhappy

Mine does that somewhat too but in my case I think it is more related to ground effect rotor wash. Once I get it two feet or so off the ground it is solid as a rock and doesn't go right by itself as yours does. For the last year or so I've been flying helicopters which are always a little squirrely to get off the ground so it doesn't bother me much. Just gotta be quick on the sticks at first... Anyhow, count me as one of the happy DJI customers.

I wouldn't consider myself an unhappy customer more just frustrated by the lack of support for my questions. Everytime I fly my quad I am able to have a good session and I can get it to fly as it is intended. I am relieved to see that there are others with similar issues and will use some of the suggestions I see here to make my flying more enjoyable. This is my first multirotor so I really didn't know what to expect. It certainly is the easiest craft I have ever flown my previous experience is only fixed wing aircraft no helis.

My neighbor on the other had told me this is only the second thing he has flown that made him nervous. hehe.. He is the one that taught me how to fly airplanes and he has flown and test flown many.

I am pretty bummed about this. I have had so much success with many other flight controllers and the whole time everyone kept telling me how great Naza is. i flew a few Naza V1 and V2 and they were great but had a “robotic’ flight feel which is not my cup of tea but they did what they are supposed to do.

So I finally get into a position where monitarily the airframe i am building doesn’t require a AP styled FC so i go with a naza and I have issues.

Those of you flying the Naza M lite with success what is the size of your rigs and what size props.

A friend told me his rig only flew well on the lite up to 500mm and 10” props.

The rig I put the lite in is 700mm and has 12’ props.
Perhaps this could be the problem? Was the lite optimized for smaller crafts?
View attachment 14360

Also, the FC is in the exact center of the airframe which is in the “butt” of the frame. The frame looks weird, but it’s actually square with the FC dead nuts in the center.


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