DJI f450 Naza M take off problem - lifts off at angle


I have a DJI f450 Naza-M with balanced 1038 props, latest firmware (3.12), stock motors and ESCs. I also have the GPS unit. I have been using this setup (with GoPro and Arris CM2000 brushless gimbal) for many flights, but recently have been having problems.

When I try to take off carefully/slowly, the drone tilts toward the back/left side and wants to tip over. I have checked all connections, re-calibrated the compass, done the Advanced Calibration with the Naza Assistant, and recalibrated the Tx sticks with the Assistant. I have also swapped the back/left and back/right motors, in case a motor was the culprit.

Still, the drone wants to take off with a tilt toward the back/left. It no longer takes off by lifting straight up. Is something wrong with the Naza?

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I would redo the Advanced Calibration. Also check your static balance with the F450 ready to fly. Does it balance forward and aft, left to right? If not move components. I am not sure how you take off carefully with the new software. It will do nothing until the throttle reaches 50% and then it lifts off. There is no in-between. You may be confusing the controller by trying to override the controlled takeoff. Just let it pop off the ground and then reduce the throttle so it does not continue to climb.


Thanks, Tahoe Ed. Prior to posting I must have done the Advanced Calibration about 3 times, but to be certain on everything - I re-upgraded the Naza firmware (it says there's an upgrade available, even though it reads current and new versions are both 3.12), redid the Advanced Calibration, and redid the Compass Calibration. Then made sure all ESCs were plugged in tight. I did notice there was one plug slightly loose'ish (I'm talking just a tad from being plugged in all the way), and after all that the drone seems to lift up ok.

It wasn't a static balance issues - I've had the Naza, GPS, gimbal, etc., all in the same spot for dozens of take-offs. Glad it's better but wish there was more insight into exactly what happened.
