DJI code sources


I heard somewhere that developers start to another company with source codes.
Someone else heard something about that? :dejection:


Drone Enthusiast
There are some rumors out there, but i cant say how much they are worth. I hope though that there is nothing to it.



Hey Guys,
Can you elaborate on this ? What exactly does it mean ? Are we going to see another company competing against DJI with their own source code ?


Drone Enthusiast
Nothing really to elaborate on. Some product appeared on RCgroups that looks similar to WKM and at the same time there are some rumors around that some of the development team from DJI split off. All rumors if true or not etc. The product thread was closed again because they mentioned the factory cant produce the wanted units for them at the moment.

Now if they took some of the source code or not whatever. What this means is all speculation. First you need the cash to pull things off than its not only development but you gotta know how to and want to run a company, resellers distribution net etc.

In the end only we as customers can profit from it.


Thanks for the info Boris,
I agree that as end users we stand to benefit. Though it would be highly annoying for some of us if a new company produced the same product at half the price !
