CSI: New Orleans Question


Ok, not really. I watch the show (and its soooo bad!) because its New Orleans and I like seeing the familiar places and see people talk like they know New Orleans.

Was catching up on an episode last night and a Military Drone pilot was using quad copter find a body. Not any real bad press on the use use of the copter, but an interesting question was raise.

It was mentioned that it was "illegal" to drop anything from a flying aircraft. Is this true? We have been doing parachute drops, candy drops, tow lines, sign towing, etc.. for years.

Just wondering...

Old Man

Active Member
Yes and no. In a general sense it is against AMA regulations to drop or shoot anything from a model aircraft- unless such activities are part of a controlled event or demonstration. However, the discharge of pyrotechnics, rockets, firearms, or use of explosive devices is not acceptable.

On the legal side if things both BATF and state/local laws and regulations need to be reviewed but those generally pertain to firearms, explosives, and projectiles.

You're good to go with what you've been doing as long as the safety of the public is always assured. Like, don't drop the candy on top of their heads;)

Bear in mind sign rowing might be construed as a commercial activity.


The FAR's prohibit the dropping of objects from aircraft unless they do not cause undue harm to persons or property on the ground.. or something like that. Since a UAS is an 'aircraft', the FAR applies, IMO.
