Confused about my LIPO Voltage and Alarms


This is really curious to me, perhaps someone can explain.

So the other day I was flying and I threw two voltage alarms on my packs balance connectors. First one was set to 3.7, second was set to 3.6
As I flew I was watching my telemetry voltage readout and it was showing me 20.4 under load which is very nearly when I land. (sadly this was only after about 8 1/2 minutes of flight and my packs were fully charged :( )

Here's what I don't understand.
Neither of my voltage alarms were going off and 20.4 is well UNDER what the alarms were set to.

Why do you think that was? Do balance ports not read accurately when batteries are under load?
I really need to understand whats going on.



Have you checked how accurate your voltage alarms are? For example we use a quanum as one of our voltage alarms and that is .2v out


I wouldn't assume there was a whole lot of room for error with them but if there is, I see no way to adjust them for errors.
They read voltage correctly when the batteries are fully charged. After flights, they read the same as my charger. This is all I know.
I have Bluecell alarms as a main and one I got from Hobbyking as a backup.
I'm certainly open to suggestions if anyone knows of a better product. I figured these things were cut and dried simple.
