Mikrokopter Compass Error on Gyro Calibration


When doing the gyro calibration (throttle up, yaw left), I get a compass error briefly, and then it goes away.

No having any issues with the copter. Has anyone had this issue?

You mentioned you apply throttle up AND yaw left... it is my understanding that you'd apply throttle up and to the left only (while everything else is untouched). Source: http://www.mkmanual.com/systems-calibrations

Gyroscope (Gyro) Calibration

The micro gyros on the MK are very temperature sensitive and this calibration must be done every flight in order to stabilize gyro temperatures in preparation for flight. This calibration is necessary because the sensors have a series of scattering and temperature dependence (also the resting values of individual axes of the acceleration sensor are different).

1. Place the MK on a stable surface an do not move it. note: the MK does not have to necessarily be perfectly level as the Flight Controller will be using the stored "level" reference made at the time of ACC calibration.

2. After applying power move the throttle up and to the left until the buzzer beeps and the green LED goes out. (
The number of beeps corresponds to the setting number.) Remember: only the gyros, are calibrated in this procedure, this does not set level as with the ACC calibration.

This process also powers up other components of the Flight Control board and prepares it for motor start.

This routine is the same as what I use to activate the camera gimbal...
