climb rate too slow or too fast - pixhawk / arducopter


Trying to fine tune the controls on my pixhawk via mission planner...

In the 2 modes I have tested the vertical speed doesn't seem right. In Stabilize if I move the throttle up fill it shoots up like a bullet.

And in loiter mode it barely moves up or down at all.

How can I tune it so the Stabilise mode is less aggressive and loiter mode is more responsive? I am looking for gentle smooth control for filming.

I have read around and found options such as

PILOT_VELZ_MAX and PILOT_ACCEL_Z but I haven't tried them yet. I'm not sure how they relate to the specific flight modes.

Thanks for any guidance here.


That sounds odd. I'll be very interested to hear what you find out about this. I really think you best bet for a definitive answer will be to submit logs to the developers. Rob_L may see your post here though and he will know for sure. I think he's the only Arducopter dev here.
