Cinestar X8 DJI WKM Issues

Having an issue or two with my wkm X8. Cinestar 450mm booms, 6s, 3515-400 motors and 15x6 or 16x8 props. Changing props has no effect. Gain settings don't seem to change my issue either. AUW is about 26 pounds

1st issue is motor temps and yaw issue.

My bottom motors are twice the temp as my top motors using the standard dji mix. If i use the MK Mix then only two of my bottom motors, opposite of each other are twice as hot...too hot. I also notice when i yaw to the left after letting go of the stick it isn't a hard stop and it even travels a little past where i tell it to stop slowly. If i pan right and let go it stops instantly as it should.

2nd issue is the heli is almost like pulsing the motors as if the gain is too high and it makes the heli rapidly bounce or pulse up and down. Not smooth at all. Major issue.



As far as the motor temps go, did you check the alignment? if any of the motors are not completely straight up and down it could be causing it to yaw and certain motors are compensating extra hard for it.

Second issue I have no idea, but did you calibrate your escs?


There are a number of threads in both the Mikrokopter and DJI areas that indicate the addition of 3 degrees of cant on the motors will enable better yaw control. 3 degrees to the right for the clockwise and 3 degrees to the left for the counter clockwise motors makes the FC yaw self-control more effective. Can't comment on the hot motors though. Look for comments by Ferdinand and others who fly X8 and Y6 coax a lot.
