California flyer

Hello all,

I've flown private single-engine fixed wings for years, but only recently got into RC. I've built up an F450, and am learning fast. I just discovered this forum; I've been browsing rcgroups for a while, but like the organization of this one much better.

I really think flying RC is harder than the real thing; with these devices you don't get to feel the g-forces, nor are able to feel the response of the aircraft through the controls. But it's great fun, and I hope to use this for some aerial photography.

Another challenge is finding places to fly these things -- there's a few places nearby where it's ok, but there are an awful lot of signs around here that say "no" :-(

So I look for out of the way, wide open spaces to continue building flight skills.



Still Building!
RC is a much different animal than actual flying. The biggest issue I found was nose in orientation. Still trying to master that! Glad to have you here at MRF....great group of folks!!!!

Mike :)

Oh boy - my account status just changed to "Approaching Solo". Takes me back to the moment when, during the taxi back to the runway, my flight instructor exited the aircraft and said "OK you got it, 3 touch and goes, I'll see you back at the club office". After he shut the cabin door, the aircraft never felt so empty. Just me and the realization that once I take this thing off the ground, I need to get it back down - safely.
