Anyone need a CarbonCore Cinestar vibration isolator adapter plate?


I'm going to be getting a adapter plate made by PrecisionDigital to be able to use 4 of the Cinestar Vibration isolators. This will mate up with the Octo Cinestar Gimbal mounting plate.

It will look like this except will be made for the CarbonCore Hexa 950mm bottom plate.

It will not be a replacement bottom plate, it will be spaced out with spacers.

Let me know if anybody is interested. Quantity may dictate pricing, but should be about $130 or less for the 2.4mm CF plate.

The reason i'm getting this made is because I have a Cinestar gimbal on the way and need to mount it correctly to my hexa. The Cinestar vibration isolators appear to be a proven design and wanted to incorporate that aspect into the mount.

