advice on rotor


New Member
greetings to all. I am new to the rotor (quad) world. I am thinking about investing in a machine that can carry Go Pro or a Canon. I want to be able to use it in the commercial way. ie. sell my work by the hour.. Can you old timers adviace me on what I should be looking for. I am a virgin in the world of quads so all help would be welcomed.

Avoid a small rig and a goPro, what's the point! Since you will be charging for your time,
I'd say just go out and find the most expensive RTF rig there is. Average price would be $10K - $15K
If it's expensive it has to be good. Am I right?! Am I right!?!?
Oh and paying a lot for a totally pro rig completely makes up for any lack of flying skills or experience.
You can always worry about that small point later in the game!
i mean these things fly themselves .. am I right , am I right?!?!

Once you have obtained said awesome pro rig, I wouldn't even fly the machine unless I was getting $5K a day. (at minimum)
Consider your first few gigs on the job training, You will be awesome in no time.

OK.. sarcasm over.

Baby steps dude. There is so much to learn, so much skill to be learned...
I'd say at the best case you are a few years out for charging for your time.
I've been flying RC for 25 years, the last 8 professionally and I am still learning the pro AV game.

Besides gaining good flying skills, there is so much more to this than just buying a rig and going for it.

Check out the forum, read all you can, see what other successful people are doing and educate yourself.
I'd highly suggest getting a small hobby rig and fly the heck out of it. Learn about flight controllers, how to fly, how to assemble and fix that little rig.
After all that, start to see what you really want to do. Build a rig and start flying it. Shoot a years worth of footage and build a reel and THEN see where you are compared to others, and THEn maybe.. if everything is working you can think about charging someone.

Good luck, it's a long expensive road.

I'm knee deep in this stuff and still not charging for anything. Just building my portfolio. i've done all kinds of cool jobs this summer, and consider it a good learning experience.


Mr take no prisoners!
Damn, you got me hooked with the first bit, I mean how hard can it be, right???

