6x 4S quadropower 8000mah lipos

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Hi guys,

I am upgrading to a heavy lifter so I have lots to sell off. All of it is lightly used. I will post pictures in the next few days when I get home and start to rebuild everything.

Both the flight controller and distroboard have been sprayed with a silicon conformal spay for protection.

1x Mikrokopter flight ctrl v2.1 $250
1x octo power distroboard board, with soldered bullet connectors. $600
8x qc motors $300
3x ff radians $450
6x lightly used 8000mah quadropower 4s batteries. $500 for all of them or $90 each.

Prices as listed or best offer.

I'm also selling a Canon C100 if anyone is interested. http://www.ebay.com/itm/181244645991?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

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