650MM Hexacopter


First, I am fairly new to drones myself. I am building my second one. I am also an engineer, so that helps. Finally, when I started, there were so many options that I became confused. Eventually, I discovered Ecalc. For $3.00 a month you can buy access to a calculator. It has a list of frame types, frame weight, and layout. It has a list of motors to choose from, type blades and pitch, battery choices and covers most variables. After you enter your choices it gives you estimated flight times, current draw, motor temps, and so on. Do yourself a favor and signup for Ecalc. You can tray any number of combinations and have a reasonable expectation of success the first time.


Ecalc is not an exact science it will only get you into a close ball park number. It works much better on smaller copters than it does on larger ones.


Building a quad isn't an exact science either, so I will not bother you with further suggestions. DIY


I"m also an engineer that has worked (Retired from) for over 30 years for NASA. Like I said before it will get you into the ball park.


I wish I did but, I wanted to see what the general answers would be for the question. Besides who knows someone just might have a $50,000,000 answer or idea.


They will probably work.. But what is your AWG? That is the most important thing to know before choosing motors.


Well my AUW was between 2400 and 2800 grams. But since the last time I posted this thread I had a friend of mine that bought my HK 650MM frame (New in the package) and also the same type of frame that I was going to use as spare parts. I told him to make me an offer and he did ($80.00) so now they belong to him. But thanks guys for the help anyways.
