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  1. brind0g

    Quad flipping and motors not powering up at the same speed

    As the title suggests, I tried to fly my quad for the first time since building it today. I noticed a few things and need some advice/guidance as I am still very new to the scene. First thing I am not sure about is after doing a factory reset on the KK2 board im using, the elevator control...
  2. brind0g

    First Timers Build So far....

    First time doing any quadcopter building, totally winging/googling it. video of first start up: As you can see my motors arent starting up at the same time when I increase the throttle... Any one able to...
  3. brind0g

    New to Quads. Build list so far.. Thoughts?

    Hi Everyone, New to multi-rotors, been a keen RC enthusiast since I was a lil kid. Recently been into RC Drifting, but have been hooked on Quad Rotors in particular for the last month and decided to build myself one! As I am totally new to this, I did as much research as I could (as i am...