Search results

  1. Webheadfred

    Oh great... is this true? (registration)

    I'm not too concerned with the registration thing. I plan on getting whatever waivers needed. I DO take exception with the pilot license requirement they'll be requiring for commercial use. Requiring me to get a pilots license to fly a multi rotor is like requiring me to have a drivers license...
  2. Webheadfred

    Oh great... is this true? (registration)

    The Agency is very inept. Believe me, I work for them. The governing authority is so scared they'll lose control of things as they move way faster that those cubical dwellers can keep up with. A lawsuit by anyone 'damaged' by this is inevitable. Also, I'm looking in to the requirement to have a...
  3. Webheadfred

    hoo boy....1.9 million civil penalty! that's a lot of photos!

    Key here is that it's the FAA. Of course now that there's been a charge, no doubt they'll be able to produce the radar data tracking the UAV as the photos will not be admissible. Those photos, essentially, will be the pilot testifying against himself and, of course, the 5th amendment.. Yada...
  4. Webheadfred

    XY4-LiM 250 is finally flying

    Hey Bart... Heck I'd love one but I'll pay you for it of course. I'm seeing all the HUGE improvements that HoverFly apparently weren't interested in keeping up with. I broke out the old quad I made from Home Depot towel rods and after a few flights, was zipping around like old times. Seems this...
  5. Webheadfred

    XY4-LiM 250 is finally flying

    Geez! I had to take about a year hiatus due to cancer surgery. Now that thats behind me, I got A LOT of catching up to do! Looks good Bart! I need to build me one. Anyone need an extra HoverFly®? :)
  6. Webheadfred

    Wish List for regulatory outcome (US)

    As an air traffic controller, the requirement for a full pilots license is a little rediculous. I think I know a little about aviation regulations which I could apply to flying an unmanned aircraft. I have in fact, taken flying lessons out of curiosity but am not a licensed pilot. I'm a hell of...
  7. Webheadfred

    Esc's getting hot???

    At 2300 rpm' per volt (2300Kv) that extra 3.7 v by going to 4s could be causing the motors to draw more current than the 12 amps the ESC's are rated. So, 2300 x 3.7 is another 8500 rpm's possible. If you're near the 12 amps on a 3s then the extra voltage and rpm may be pulling you over that 12...
  8. Webheadfred

    New to the forum

    Bart said it. Learn to fly on something less expensive. Once you get the feel for it, going to something more expensive and capable will be much easier. It can be a lot of money up there and it really sucks if you get a fly-off or crash. Have fun.
  9. Webheadfred

    A little confusion with my first ever quadcopter build.Please Help!

    Oh yes... On my first big Coaxial 8, I planned for 150 amp draw. 8 gauge silicone wire. 50c battery. Really heavy. I over estimated by a lot. I put a flying amp meter on and discovered my maximum draw on the system was a mere 60 amps. Oh well, live and learn.
  10. Webheadfred

    A little confusion with my first ever quadcopter build.Please Help!

    It's been a while since I've posted but here is my 2 cents. Your motor and prop will "draw" the amount of current they need from the battery. Too small mah, there won't be enough for what's required. There's really no such thing as too large unless weight becomes a factor. The one thing I...
  11. Webheadfred

    XAircraft SuperX crash... what happened?!

    Ground effects makes things smooth. Being that close to the ground, the props create a 'pillow' so-to-speak by the vortices from the props, circulating on the ground. An aircraft can actually lift from the ground under ground effects even when it doesn't have enough speed for flight. It's often...
  12. Webheadfred

    XAircraft SuperX crash... what happened?!

    All single plane multi rotors (octo, hex, quad) will waffle as they descend through their own prop wash regardless of the flight controller. Obviously, the slower you descend the less movement. Coaxial multi rotors such as X8 or Y6's (my irrelevant post as you so politely pointed out) mitigate...
  13. Webheadfred

    XAircraft SuperX crash... what happened?!

    Initially on a quad or my Hex. I did like the way the X8 flew in the wind though. Still getting back up to speed.
  14. Webheadfred

    XAircraft SuperX crash... what happened?!

    I'm a HoverFly veteran and in the process of converting to Xaircraft. I'm no expert but it definitely looks as if you had a catastrophic failure of some sort. Very smooth and then some sort of snap and all hell broke loose. Maybe a partially broken prop or loose motor mount? So smooth and then...
  15. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly Hoverfly GPS is much better now

    Thanks for the post Bart. I have an LEA6 antenna I bought anticipating the upgrade. My interest in HoverFly has waned so much, frankly, I had given up on them. Maybe it'll be worth a look.
  16. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly Something Big?

    Well, if George isn't there, it's not likely that much in the way of new features will be coming. He was the brains behind the Propeller chip and the HFP and the flight algorithm. Now that the more capable Propeller II is in the near future, I'm sure he's working behind the scenes on something...
  17. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly Something Big?

    I think you're right. Freely was supposed to have one and I was interested until I heard the 2000 price tag. The Pixhawk looks really promising. I really want the point-to-point navigation that Arducopter provides. The silence says it all.
  18. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly Something Big?

    So how much longer must we wait for this 'Something Big'? I'm about to move to another vendor unless we can get some sort of GPS waypoint feature or at least equivalent GPS performance as the competition. I feel like Pavlov's dog every time they throw us a tidbit of information. It's sad. I was...
  19. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly Crickets...

    Agreed. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not even a crumb.
  20. Webheadfred

    Hoverfly HF Firmware update server down?

    It seems to me, if Hoverfly selected a particular hosting company, and they prove to be unreliable, it's Hoverfly's duty to find a server more reliable for the sake of their valued customers. Paying customers don't want to hear excuses. I don't know. That whole statement puts me off. Shifting...