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  1. J

    Scorpion SkyStrider 280 build (help needed)

    For the past while I've slowly been building up a strider 280 to be given away as one of the awards for our outreach flight school program. Would love to be able to get something pre-configured but we gotta do with what's donated and in our budget, on to the meat. Frame assembly was simple as...
  2. J

    Antenna placement for VTx and Telemety

    This is probably a dumb question but I can't find any relevant info. I'm trying to figure out placement for my video TX and my Telemety unit. Video is 5.8GHz and Telemety is 933MHz here is a pic of what I'm thinking, also concider the VTx will be swapped to an omni soon, Question is, will this...
  3. J

    Dead-cat style 450 build for FPV

    This will be my first real build log, starting a little late in the process but I'm taking my time on this one instead of my usually cram together rushed style of building multi-rotors. Also this is my first trials with the ArduPilot platform. It will kind of be my guinea pig for a bigger build...
  4. J

    KK Flight Controller KK 2.1HC Yaw position problem

    For some reason my quad continually rotates CW slowly, if i trim it out i can no longer arm/disarm, is there a way to fix it in programming of the FC?
  5. J

    Halo from TN

    NorthEast Tennessee here!