Naza failsafe


I have a Spektrum DX7 and a AR6100e reviever and I have not been able to set my failsafe mode on my F550. Att and norm mode are asigned to the gear switch but I can't get the slider to move to the failsafe and turn it blue. Any suggestion other than buying another reviever?


Aerial DP
go into endpoints on the gear channel and make it move the slider to blue failsafe then bind to it with the failsafe lit and the throttle up over 10%........... i use like 20-30% ish just to be safe

Step 1 - Bind of TX & RX - Red lights on receiver should be solid and blink occasional. - go to and pull your manual.

Once connected.

Go to your NAZA software (after properly connecting the unit)
Set the GEAR channel to "0" position and move the travel adjust value for GEAR until "Failsafe" area is selected as shown below.
Disconnect everything.
With the GEAR switch still in the "0" position, bind the Rx & Tx using the instructions for "Preset FailSafe" - go to and pull your manual.
Disconnect everything again.
Connect everything back again and launch NAZA Assistant move the travel adjust value to select A/ATTI.
Now, move the switch to "1" and move the travel the adjust value until you select M/manual.


Aerial DP
on that binding part, for spektrum you want to power up the rx with the bind plug in then pull the bind plug before actually binding. that enables all channel failsafe instead of throttle only. that way your stick position once over failsafe in naza is also part of the failsafe set


Aerial DP
theres not alot to hope, it is something you see happen in assistant. bind the failsafe, turn off your tx in assistant and the failsafe bar should turn blue and the throttle should go up


Wannabe AP Dude
+1 on what Tahoe Ed said. 6100 does not support pre set fail safe. I replaced my AR 6100e with the Orange 7ch receiver from HobbyKing. First one was DOA, second one died after 3 flights. Third one is a Spektrum AR 7010. Fail safe works like a charm.


Where did you get your AR7010 from? Seems like every reciever that I look at only has "Smart fail safe". Or either it does not work with the spektrum DX7 DSM2.


Wannabe AP Dude
I purchased the RX from Go Nitro Hobbies ( on eBay. I bought it from them as I have had good service from them. Their price was the same as everyone else - $89.99. If you can find it cheaper go for it.

I have an older DX7 (DSM2), and the 7010 works fine. The web description only shows Smart Fail Safe, but it does have preset fail safe. The instructions that come with it tell how to set it up.

If you decide to get one and need help getting it to work, PM me.

