can anyone help this guy in the Dallas, Tx area?


Aerial DP
I had three planes in my tree like that all at once, what a sucky feeling. one day the power company tree trimmers came by and for $20 got all of em out like god reached up there and picked em out. not a scratch.......... I'd be calling a tree cutter and ask how much


Welcome to!!
where's that sense of adventure we've all come to know you for?? you're not far, why not go and help him out? Once you reach El Paso you're half way there!


Aerial DP
hahahaha,,,,, every plane i've stuck in a tree and tried getting down came down in pieces..... too fat to scale a limb, and scared

i've got alot of videos of them sitting up there from the quad, but i never hung a hook and went for it. would make a cool fpv video though

I learned to fly here,,,,, watch :40 then 3:30
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Welcome to!!
anyone in the Dallas area that can help?

this would make an awesome video!!!
