Z15 need a NEX fixed lens

I for one almost understand both sides of these discussions...however many of us do not have artistic and creative bents that are capable of producing the great work shown on this and other forums...we just don't think that way...instead we have to rely on available, and on many occasions very costly and just emerging, technologies and that they work as designed and advertised. We, that operate like this unfortunately will always naiively believe that we are being told the black and white truth of matters but what we end up with is a box containing many, many shades of grey that then leads to these discussion types on this forum. In this industry (if I can call it that) in amongst all the good guys out there providing goods and services, it does seem at times that some manufacturers/sellers/retailers, etc. are all over a potential buyer like a rash but when the money has exchanged ownership they almost go into hiding. Arty, laissez faire minded people can easily handle that whilst others cannot and if they want to get anywhere near producing similar results we have to purchase 100% reliable technologies and not be informed after purchase that the small print should be studied a lot closer.

There...I've had my say, I'll now just see what happens when I finally receive and build my new craft.


Active Member
Eh? Now I'm confused - who's talking against whom now? The only diversion from the core topic of this thread is you, Denny, talking about Cineflex and artistry ;-)


Active Member
I fully understand peoples worries about spending so much money on untried equipment. To the layman this must be very confusing. I have a customer who is crying in his beer because I just told him he cant use his newly acquired 55-200 Nex-7 lens on his Z15. He is new to MR and aerial filming and wants to dive in at the deep end and start being creative with this lens. It will be hard enough to train him to use a 16 mm lens to start with. Because Tabb and Jeff can get good results with their stuff it does not automatically follow that the next man can do the same. Understanding the limitations of ourselves as well as our equipment must be one of the first lessons to learn from all this.

Hey chaps, please do not get confused by my ramblings...All I was doing was merely pointing out that it ain't easy to fly these machines and produce good AP results for many of us for lots of reasons...it just doesn't help matters when a manufacturer seemingly moves the goalposts post-purchase and then another arrives on the scene to remind you about reading between the feint lines...oh and by the way you need to spend a few more Pounds (or Dollars, Euros, etc.) of our very hard-earned cash to enable things to operate in the same way as the advertising suggested.

So you spent 3000 euro on a gimbal that can only mount a specific camera with a specific lense.

What do you do when in a month's time Sony releases a much better camera with a feature you can live without. A camera with BOSS, analogue output or even wifi video downlink?

I know, I know...I promise I won't fall for that again...well, until the next time anyway. I just didn't do enough reading between the lines and also listened to lots of other peoples perhaps biased views and opinions.

Note...I should know a lot better...I'm a 63 year old electrical engineer who teaches for a living.
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Active Member
What I learned from this hobby: Never buy anything until real users start to use it.

I can get behind that statement! That is why the 'pre-order discount' model is becoming so popular. They are trying to get people to forget that golden rule. I will gladly pay more later for a proven product.



Drone Enthusiast
EKK! Glad I did not go for the rush! The Nex5 is a nice little camera but not a professional grade you would expect the S880 should be able to lift to be a professional system. If you cannot put a better camera / lens combo on the gimbal that a Nex5 with 16mm lens I would be looking for a mount with a bit more flexibility like the AV130 / AV200 with a fitting that can be grafted on to the S800.



Active Member
Guys, if anyone is in Pafos this weekend I will be at the Alexander the Great beach hotel signing books and videos on Sunday.
On display will be the S/800 complete with Z15 so if anyone wants to come along and have a good look at it you are more than welcome.
