Using Skew planar antenna with Iftron Passport Diversity Rx


Having recently discovered how good skew planar / cloverleaf antenna are, I fitted a three lobe one to our Iftron 5.8Ghz Tx and used both a rubber duck and a patch antenna on our Passport diversity Rx. It worked very well and a real improvement over the original drop out prone arrangement using a rubber duck on the Tx.
Encouraged, I added a four lobe one to the Passport Rx..... didn't work ... the field monitor screen was blank ... nothing was being received.
Contacted Iftron and got a quick response ..

The antenna you are trying to use has a different electrical arrangement in that it has a DC short to ground rather than the more typical DC open circuit. Due to the rise in popularity of this type of antenna, we have more recently modified our receiver designs to be tolerant of antennas that are DC shorted. Depending on when your receiver was purchased, it may or may not be compatible. To find out, turn the receiver power off and then place an ohmmeter between the receiver center antenna contact and outside contact. To be sure, check both antenna ports. If you get a short than your receiver needs to be modified. We will do this for free if you send it to us.

Since it was out of warranty and I'm in the UK I asked for details for a DIY fix.. got the reply ....

Hi Andrew.
When you see what's required, you may change your mind.
Follow the antenna trace back to the module. You will see that they are attached by a short wire. This wire must be removed and an 0603, 10pf NPO capacitor placed between the boards instead of the wire. The solder is lead free. Not an easy thing to do for most.


Gritted my teeth and ordered some capacitors. They arrived ..... ummm... rather small, a grain of rice is bigger ! Undaunted pressed on. Removed the link wire using desolder braid and a fine temperature controlled soldering iron. Added a short wire from antenna pcb and soldered the capacitor between the radio module and this. Job done.

Works like a wonder, doing a range test at the weekend.

I don't think you'd get this sort of support from an anonymous Chinese supplier. They are definitely on my good guys list.



Aerial DP
daughnting task, no doubt. when i ordered mine and was fitting to immersion stuff, there was a similar deal where you had to take a chip out. good job, your gonna love em. if you wanna get into tracking, check out Alex's Cannons. just tried one the first time this weekend and that thing was rock solid, but it had to be pointed right at it, 30 degree window



I was made aware of this issue when I was looking at 5.8 GHz equipment. In the end I bought the Foxtech gear (for other reasons) so the issue didn't arise for me.

Kloner - is the cannon for your 5.8GHz video system or your 2.4GHz RC system? Seems to me you already had video reception beyond your RC system with your current setup??
