Droidworx AD8-HLE WKM Build


I have started this thread so that others starting out like me can gain the knowledge required to build a multi rotor. Another reason is for me to gain more information so that I can finish this build the right way.


Droidworx AD8-HLE
AXI 2814/22 motors
Xoar Beech Prop 12 x 6 (XOAR-PJA-12x6)
Hobbywing Pentiun 40a ESC's
Futaba 8fg Super

I have built a spider configuration for my power distribution. Got the idea from this forum : ) Its made up of two copper washers for the bus bar's and I soldered all of the legs to the washer. There is a + and a - one. There are 15 legs on each washer. 8 for the motors, 1 for the PMU, 2 for my LED's, 2 for the two batteries and two spare for expansion(UBEC's). I covered both with liquid tape and placed a plastic plate between both then another layer of liquid tape to hold them together.

I first put the power distribution circuit on the Droidworx top plate but had an idea to put it inside. (Between the top and bottom plate) It was a bit of a squeeze but just managed it. Looks nice and neat.

Thats how far I have got so far. I think I will mount the ESC's on the below the lower plate.

I still have to sort out the WKM and my TX.

Attached are a couple of photos. Sorry for the poor quality, they were taken with my old iphone 3G. Photos say a thousand words, better than my description! : )

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Stay tuned folks............


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I ve just stayed up all night going through the WKM assistant and setting up my Futaba. I didn't think about my battery!!!!! It died in the early hours of the morning : ( Is 10.9V for a 4S brown bread? (Dead) Am I right to say that it shouldn't go below 3V per cell (12V)? Is this battery for the bin?

Charge and discharge it slowly under supervision. 10.9 is not so bad. just keep an eye on it for a couple of cycles and you will be fine.


Charge and discharge it slowly under supervision. 10.9 is not so bad. just keep an eye on it for a couple of cycles and you will be fine.

Cheers redridinghood, good to know. I have just discharged it and I am about to charge it again. See how it goes.

I have another question. I know this has been done to death, but I just can figure it out.

I have the Futaba 8fg and I am using the WKM with an S BUS. I have manages to allocate a three position switch for M/A/GPS. No problem. But trying to allocate a two position switch for the failsafe, I just cant seem to get my head around it. I have the two position switch allocated to the failsafe in one position but in the other position it goes to either GPS or Manual. Can I deactive one position of the two position switch. I have followed this great thread but still no joy. http://www.multirotorforums.com/sho...-failsave-to-WKM/page2&highlight=set+failsafe
When I adjust the end points for the 3 position switch it also moves the failsafe switch and I cant get them in the right balance. I have the 3 position switch set to ch7 aux5 and I set a program mix to the SF switch(2 position). I have adjusted the program mix and it will not move the slider in the WKM assistant.

I am very new to this tx and to WKM, so I think its me not doing something.

Any suggestions?

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Hey Hedge,

Funny you mentioned it, I have just finished it today. I think I am ready for the maiden flight. I just want to make sure that the motors are perpendicular to the frame so that I will not cause any unwanted movement during flight. I want to get a square from my tool box at work to square them up. Any suggestions on any other way to do this?

While I was calibrating the ESC's I fried one of them. I had all of them connected at the same time. I just heard a crackle and a pup of smoke. :dejection: Also, two other ESC's were not working on arrival, so I had to order another three ESC's. Took a while, I had a lot of trouble from a supplier telling porkies.....

I used the supplied spare DW boom clamp for the GPS antenna mount. I wanted to put both my batteries on the sides of the landing gear but I am not paying €70 for them, I have placed them under the lower plate.

If you are going ahead with this build and have any questions give me a shout, if I cant answer it, I'm sure someone on here will.


Cool thx Homer, still on the fence at the moment, but if we do go then this is most probably the route.

Cheers I will llok over the thread.


I had my maiden today!!! WICKED!! Absolutely wicked. I'm hooked! It actually flew : ) Thanks to everyone for their input. I set the gains to 175, 175, 175, 175 and the att to 75. Its not too bad, it will need a little adgusting. Its started to wobble on fast decent.


aerial video centric
Congrats - I have the same setup but I am jinxed. Every time I go to try I have some kind of problem and have to order a new part - last attempt I had a bad Rx.

It is normal to have wobble if you bring it down too fast; between coming down through its own wash and the props have slowed down to the point where they are no longer providing lift, results in the wobble. ....just be patient and bring it down slow. Easy to say, hard to do.

I would have never flown my ship so aggressively on the maiden voyage - that takes courage or ....
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