Wookong in the Wind.


Hi all,
Have just returned from flying my Wookong on an F450. The wind was blowing a steady 12mph with gusts up to 14-16 mph.
I must say that the results were less than spectacular :( It was really fighting the wind and doing a huge amount of twitching.
Can anybody advise me on how to tune the gains for heavier wind ?
I have Normal gains: Roll, Pitch and Yaw assigned to one dial on my radio and Attitude gains: Roll and Pitch on another.
Playing with these didn't have any major difference.
I must add that in light or no breeze it flies like a dream and I really love it :)
Thanks all,


Drone Enthusiast
I feel like I have tried many combinations and it just wont do it. Flying in manual mode is the only way I see it possible. DJI just sucks with stability in wind.


Thanks for answering guys. I wonder if DJI have any firmware upgrades in the works or is this as good as it is going to get.
Have been looking at the Zenmuse, considering a pre-order but if I can't get a stable platform in this sort of wind it's a deal breaker.
I have seen mikrokopters flying stable in wind so it must be possible !
I will try dropping prop size, but I wonder how far that will get me.


Draganflyer X4
Eoin, what props/size are you using now?


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Draganflyer X4
Hi Gunter,
I'm using 10x4.5 props with the jdrones 880Kv motors.

Those should be the right size. If they are the fatter slow fly props then this could be the problem. APC or Graupner thin electric props are best IMO.



Thanks Gunter.
The props I'm using are the cheap Arducopter ones. I have looked all over for graupners and can't find any in Europe.
I might try the APC. Do you know of any European suppliers ? Also what APC size would you recommend ?


Drone Enthusiast
Clearly MK has always won in the wind department. But that does not mean that DJI will or can do it. It may have to do with the tightly integrated hardware, i.e. bl's.


Draganflyer X4
Thanks Gunter.
The props I'm using are the cheap Arducopter ones. I have looked all over for graupners and can't find any in Europe.
I might try the APC. Do you know of any European suppliers ? Also what APC size would you recommend ?

As vislaw says, electricwingman does Graupners, but it looks like they are sold out! They do have a pair of 9x5 in stock but not sure if this will work. I have tried 8" props on a 450 and they are way undersized, but a 9" might just do it...up to you if you want to try!

I got my 12" APC's from robotbirds, but it doesn't look like they do counter rotating pairs in the 10" APC...worth sending him an email to find out.



Thanks Vislaw. I'll check them out.
IrisAerial, I really hope DJI do take this on. Not being able to fly in a 12 mph wind is a big problem in Ireland :)
The air is rarely still !


Drone Enthusiast
Define not stable in the wind.. I have twoWKM's ne on a ADX3 and 1 on 450 dji frame.. I have NO problems in wind..

I just filmed this yesterday in 12/15MPH winds

This is winds you rally dont want to fly in but its fun!

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Thanks for the information. I will look further into the APC's.
@ Rwijn and Droider. Thanks guys, this gives me hope. The results in both videos are much better than I had Yesterday. I obviously need to figure out my gains. It's just that Yesterdays tweaking didn't produce any noticeable difference.

'Define not stable in the wind'

I would like the corrections to be far less twitchy and GPS hold to be a bit more reliable. Sometimes it could handle it and sometimes it would just blow off course with the wind as if GPS was not enabled.
I'm aiming down the line of a camera system and the smoother the better. For example a slow forward movement should be as smooth as possible.
You seem to have it pretty well tuned in those videos Droider.
As I said, This gives me hope :)


I think key is that you don't use to big props. Use props that are just large enough to hover your machine at 50%. I am using 4s graupner 8x5 eprop. And my machine weighs 1600 grams.


rwijnhov, I might look at going 4S but to be honest if I can find a solution using 3s I' be happier. I only have 3S here. How does your GPS mode behave in the wind ?


Great ! My confidence in the system is coming back. I really need to figure out my gains, battery and props. Might try and get some 4s for testing. If I can achieve that level of GPS hold I'll be very happy !
Did you do a lot of gain adjusting to get the GPS position hold to that level ?


nope all my standard gains are at 130. My advanced default. I believe the trick is 4s. With 4s you have more power so the controller has a bigger range and can respond more powerfull on changes.
