Hexacrafter.com HC1100 in San Diego Wind Tunnel


Aerial DP
wednesday is a media day over at San Diego Wind Tunnel and they invited us out to do some flying in it,,,, today we did a dry run to see what it's like.... did 20mph with the hexacrafter and she did fantastic.


wednesday were breaking out some speed cameras and smoke wands to capture the aerodynamics of this thing all gimbaled up rolling...


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Active Member
That's some pretty radical stuff there K. Put the Disco Pro's in there too? Thought I saw something on your Instagram feed with a group of TBS Pro's hangin' out.


Aerial DP
yea, flew them too..... but wednesday were gonna fly that and either gh or epic... media day thing. 3dr will be there too doing something similar with little quads

the building for this place is on San Diego Itl, just walking around there with a propped multi had me feeling nervous.....


Aerial Fun
Nice to see the face and hear the voice who has helped me numerous times as I got started in this hobby last year.

From the news footage, I'm guessing by how steady you kept your hex that the wind was kept at a constant velocity?

Nice job and thanks again for all your advice during year and a half.


Aerial DP
Your welcome jfro.

yes it was constant, the heavy lifter made so much dirty air hovering in a confined spot it was harder to fly without a breeze than with it, once they got air going it smoothed right out and leaned into the wind.

the other news lady that interviewed me was so hot i kept getting caught looking at her ya know, that interview airs tonight.... it was so distracting. The interview in that second clip was with the camera guy himself, blonde dude looking at you with the one eye, filming ya with the other and holding out a mic. he was pretty impressive

Heading up to an airshow this weekend to get back in front of the media again...... it's officialy time to make it or fail trying


Active Member
Nice job Steve, too bad Colin got a little more air time. I was surprised at how steady the IRIS flew, much of the footage I've seen posted was no where near that smooth, must be Colin's magic touch ;)


Aerial DP
man, she was wearing these yoga pants.... was so fit it was ridiculous.

yea, all pixhawks there.....


Aerial DP
we have two at the office, it's got a bunch of weird modes when i've tried flying it that didn't make much sense,,, not being mine i try not killing it so never tried figuring out what all it was doing. My crew has been using them more on the science side since it has alot of open source options for cool sensors and such...
