Mikrokopter where do I get the programe to programe my MK FC board?


Defies Psychics
Thanks Crash, but which one do I go for ;) ;)


Generally speaking the MKTool version has to match the firmware you will be using. If you want the latest features then use the latest MKTool and upload the new firmware to the boards. Older versions could be more stable but that's a whole new debate.


Active Member
Generally speaking the MKTool version has to match the firmware you will be using. If you want the latest features then use the latest MKTool and upload the new firmware to the boards. Older versions could be more stable but that's a whole new debate.

mmmmm, now im a touch confused, so older might well be better? Do you know what is the most stable for octos?
I have FC 2.1 ME if that makes any difference.



Defies Psychics
'Might' is the keyword. FC .78f is generally considered to be stable. I think .80 'may' have had some problems. It's hard to really pin down because there is so much to go wrong with these things that it's not always easy to blame firmware.

You should probably start a new thread to get others opinions. I don't have any experience with the last version.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
ver .82 has been OK so far and it has better camera nick control so you can actually change Nick while shooting and it looks ok. I had .78 for a while and never had any problems with it so maybe starting there is a good idea. if you're new to MK's, load .78, leave the Navi stuff off, and just fly it while you work out the kinks and get used to it. once you trust your equipment, upload ver .82, update your MKtool, update the Navi firmware version to match the .82 FC firmware, and again fly without the Navi to make sure the FC is stable.then , add the Navi and you should be good to go.
firmware .84 adds some advanced features that will take time to incorporate once the flying is 100%. I'd pass on that version until all the other stuff is checked out and you're ready to play with POI and other waypoint features.


Active Member
'Might' is the keyword. FC .78f is generally considered to be stable. I think .80 'may' have had some problems. It's hard to really pin down because there is so much to go wrong with these things that it's not always easy to blame firmware.

You should probably start a new thread to get others opinions. I don't have any experience with the last version.

So is that version 1.78? I downloaded version 1.74b......to be honest I couldnt see a higher version ;)
Thanks for your input my friend.



Active Member
ver .82 has been OK so far and it has better camera nick control so you can actually change Nick while shooting and it looks ok. I had .78 for a while and never had any problems with it so maybe starting there is a good idea. if you're new to MK's, load .78, leave the Navi stuff off, and just fly it while you work out the kinks and get used to it. once you trust your equipment, upload ver .82, update your MKtool, update the Navi firmware version to match the .82 FC firmware, and again fly without the Navi to make sure the FC is stable.then , add the Navi and you should be good to go.
firmware .84 adds some advanced features that will take time to incorporate once the flying is 100%. I'd pass on that version until all the other stuff is checked out and you're ready to play with POI and other waypoint features.

I dont have the navi board, just the FC board Bart & dont think I will be using waypoints etc for a long long time...I dont know if I could trust that amount of money in the air to be controlled by a computer ;) ;)



Heli's & Tele's bloke
A fine illustration of why my Octo drone is always going to be second to the mechanical single-rotors. I do not have enough geek in me to have to hustle with all this firmware stuff. Because the Octo is new it has 2.1FC and is loaded with firmware 0.84.

But, I don't have a clue where to start on making the Octo a little less 'bouncy' nor make the GPS a bit more precise and the Altitude Hold a hell of a lot more precise - much less organise the waypoint stuff. As a general rule I find that as the computer requirement increases, so the level of general joy decreases.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
the firmware updates are really easy to do. bouncy might be better fixed with a throttle curve in your radio.
civilian GPS is only accurate to 6 ft, sometimes it holds a position better than other times. put the GPS gain setting on a POTI and have the POTI assigned to a channel with a slider or knob on the radio. a very small change in GPS gain will make a huge improvement depending on the winds.


Active Member
the firmware updates are really easy to do. bouncy might be better fixed with a throttle curve in your radio.
civilian GPS is only accurate to 6 ft, sometimes it holds a position better than other times. put the GPS gain setting on a POTI and have the POTI assigned to a channel with a slider or knob on the radio. a very small change in GPS gain will make a huge improvement depending on the winds.

Thanks Bart, I have a few more questions. I am using spektrum DX7's for my octo & my camera mount, so should I do the octo as an aircraft...I presume so as idle up just wont cut it with a MR ;)
I only have 7 channels for octo control & no gps (I take it navi is now built in on the FC 2.1ME). So I'm a bit stuck as to what to assign to each of my 7 chnnels, obviously aileron/elevator/throttle & rudder, but the other channels???



Heli's & Tele's bloke
After basic flight control essentials are allocated you are left with three for six remaining possible functions: GPS, Altitude and CareFree for flight control extras and Tilt, Roll & Shutter for camera control.

I would approach trimming that list in the following order:

1. Altitude Hold doesn't appear to be that straight forward to set up and if it ain't set up it doesn't work that well anyway, so that can go.
2. Shutter/Record because cameras can be set to take a snap every X seconds and for video you just press the tit before lift-off
3. Camera Mount Tilt - most of the time a general 15-20° downward angle for the camera is sufficient and if you need a more vertical angle bring it down and change it.

That would leave you with GPS Position Hold and RTH, CareFree and Camera Mount Roll (MK stabilisation of the horizon works very well). If you are comfortable enough to fly without CareFree being available, that is the next thing that could go to make way for something on the first list.

I use a Futaba 12z and there is only one channel free.


Active Member
Thanks for the great info Flash, I dont have to worry about ANY camera controls, the Mrs does that via the 2nd DX7. The carefree mode would be nice, does that need GPS to work I wonder?



Heli's & Tele's bloke
Velly interlesting ! If Mrs operates the camera do you still benefit from the camera mount stabilisation built into the MK FC or does she just have to manage manually?

As for the CareFree, it relies on the compass so if you have the NC v2.0 with the built in compass you should be good to go. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the GPS is not involved in the CareFree function. However, I don't think the option becomes available unless the relevant firmware is installed. I believe the CareFree function was introduced with firmware v0.80.


Active Member
Velly interlesting ! If Mrs operates the camera do you still benefit from the camera mount stabilisation built into the MK FC or does she just have to manage manually?

As for the CareFree, it relies on the compass so if you have the NC v2.0 with the built in compass you should be good to go. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the GPS is not involved in the CareFree function. However, I don't think the option becomes available unless the relevant firmware is installed. I believe the CareFree function was introduced with firmware v0.80.

This Skyjib 8 isd our first EVER MR aircraft, so its all new. We came into this via a trex600esp & never used any stabilisation...the mrs controls all camera functions..I just fly the thing. The camera mount has its own power source, transmitter & R/C receiver...& she gets some seriously good views (lucky b1tch ;) )
To be honest Im still not 100% sure what the FC has on it...mikrocopetr FC2.1ME if that helps?



Heli's & Tele's bloke
After an initial brief look around I too was keen on a Droidworx airframe but knowing FA about drones and needing to get going in a hurry I plumped for an MK Octo kit just to learn the ropes and see if I liked the platform. If the experience proves to be positive I then plan to go Droidworx with a heavy lift as a backup/alternative for my main machine ...

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Your SkyJib sounds just the ticket. Didn't know they were actually available yet. My biggest ***** with electric power - regardless of the type of airframe - is the battery nightmare. Specifically the short flights and endless charging regime. That's why I went gasoline in the beginning. However, that big one (named Sally after my late Mum) is decidedly overkill for a lot of situations, which is why I am looking to add the drone option.

The FC2.1ME is what I was supplied with three weeks ago, along with the NC2.0, and they are both the newest versions. A quick look in KopterTool will show you what firmware version is installed.

Beyond that it's no good looking to me for sound advice with these insects ... apologies ... multi-rotors, because I am as new to them as you I reckon.

And er ... sorry, no B/S this time. We're heading to the Penzance side. :cool:


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Active Member
I take it thats a 26cc gasser in that bird? I did think that route or even a maxijoker 3, but opted fort he octo after seeing some seriously good aerial video. I'm sure someone told me the FC2.1ME comes with navi control built in?????

So your off to see the pirates, enjoy & maybe catch you next trip

