Mikrokopter is navi board needed


Merlin of Multirotors
The short answer is no, it will fly perfectly fine without but you won't have a lot of features that would get by having them. The basic flight controller gives you altitude hold and autoleveling, if thats all you need for the flying you'll be doing then the other boards can be left out. Position hold, return home, carefree and a lot of other features depend on the Navi/Gps combo and those features you won't have.



Active Member
Thanks for the replies gents. Good points Ken, that's what I wanted to know..autolevelling is an added bonus as is the altitude hold.
Crash the problem is my setup will draw seriously big amps, far more than an elogger could cope with, but I do have an OSD from eagletree that I've never even opened...had it for 3 years now!!

