Green/Yellow Flash - GPS won't engage


New Member
I have an S800 EVO with a wookong m. It's all just a couple of weeks old. Since I upgraded the WooKong to the latest firmware, I can't get rid of he green/yellow flashing. I have done calibration many times but it doesn't help. It will not go into gps mode. I downgraded to 5.20 and gps works fine. I put it back to 5.26 and gps won't engage again. I have the ground station now but can't use it until gps mode is fixed. Does anyone have any suggestions?


In case you have the data link engaged but not used remove it, calibrate the compas again and try. If it is not your case change the gps position. Looks like you getting wrong compass reading while in flight and the new firm forces the system to run in atti instead of gps mode.


If you have purple led just before taking off and green/orange just after lifting your having compass issues. check wire routings and be sure your compass calibratin ends with a steady white led light. As with previous firms it works ok for you may be you should try to.load again de firm and start with default values.


My calibration starts with solid blue light, Then solid green and at last three seconds of steady purple led light! (no white, no red). Does it matter?


no idea about what firm your using. I mu case I use 5.13 and the last one 5.26 I think it is? Since the last firm is a mess of lights more like a Christmas tree I would check the manual to see how should the calibration end. For me it is not ok until I get a steady white light for several seconds (3-4) even with the .16 form or the .26 other than that is a bad done one. On the last unit testing the lates firm it happeed to me as described. I could make the compas calibration but as soon as on air it lost its accuracy and automatically changed to ATTI, tried to calibrate again and the the procedure ended with several blinks of something not "white enough" and only unpluging the data link I could calibrate it fine enugh to hold the gps mode while flying.


I get steady purple light on 5.24 even though it is stated in the manual that the procedure should end up with solid white light. Data link is not connected. on 5.22 I get white light.


Drone Enthusiast
Its your C of Gravity out..

This has been a long standing issure that is not detailed in the latest OM for 5.26

Try moving your packs forward and backward till you get an Idea of which wat you need to alter your XYZ on both GPS and IMU

Bet its ok on the ground but as soon as you take off it goes yellow green



Have saw several led units with different colours for an equal behaviour but in your cases as they work ok with other firms it seems not to be a faulty led. In any way and as a simple suggestion I would a) load the firm again and set all params from default where there is this option available and b) give ok the compass calibration only if it finished with a white STEADY led (may be purple in your case but if it is a tolerance of components matter it might not be as purple as iwhen setting gps mode). Other than that has not been reported by dji about the level of accuracy it gives. Compas reading is used only in gps mode so it could be safe to fly in atti but not beyond. As a simple thought, in old firms where the unit doesnt automatically change to atti when a lack of satellites o a bad compass reading happens it ends with the ufo yawing out of control. (thats my thought, not something really confirmed by the manufacturer)


yesterday I took my quad to a place (almost desert) about 300km away from where I normally fly. I loaded the firm again started from default and played a bit with COG. this time while calibrating the compass I did not get any finishing light at all. started with solid blue, then solid green, then nothing for two seconds and then normal mode indication light. I tried many times and the same issue (no cell phone or so around). I decided to take the risk and fly it anyway. It flied ok and did not fell out of gps mode. In fact it flied a 4 km route in gps using way points. I don't get yellow green flash after take off. Some times I get yellow green as soon as I hook up the lipo and then normal flight mode indication light. So it is very strange for me why I don't get the white calibration finishing light. add one thing. During the calibration, when blue light is on I turn around the bird about 360 degree until the blue light changes to green, but I should turn more that 360 degree (may be about 410 degree) until the green light goes off.
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NIn my case every time the second part of the calibration requires more than 360° turn it never finished with the steady white but whith flashing ones. As to engage the calibration I strat from manual position switch and toggle 7-8 times to GPS and back I finished in manual mode so there is no indication of mode in the leds, just no led signal after the steady white nor red ones as I wait until full gps reception to start the procedure.


Tested today again plugging the data link. The first time calibration finished with not a single led signal. A second attemp this time slowering the vertical alignement was succesfully finished with the steady white led.


elossam, I have tried both with and without plugging data link. the procedure ended with no LED light as you mentioned on your earlier post. Tomorrow I will try slowering the vertical alignment to see if I have the same luck as you.


I would take a radical decission. Remove the complete wkm from the copter and fit it with the rx and battery on a wood table placing each component as far from each other as possible. Then try to perfom the calibration procedure. If you can do it then you are playing against interference problems in your actual setup and must do it in a different way (placing each coponent and wire routings). If the wood bech test still fails in the calibration I would start thinking on some kind of failure in your gps. It is possible some inner componnents tolerance can do it fail with a certain firm and not with others). May be a friend can lend you a GPS for the bench test to discard this component factor.
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Thank you. I would follow your suggestion as soon as as I get some spare time. I have WKM on two MRs. S800 and a quad. Both have the same issue. I have already swapped GPSs and the problem still exist for both. Even with incomplete calibration process the quad flies about 6 km on GPS but S800 falls back to ATT very often.


I see it has been a few months since anyone replied to this thread. I have been having similar issues, have you resolved yours? Perhaps you have engaged in another thread, if so can re redirect me?

Here is my issue: My Wookong was on a hexacopter that crashed but sustained little damage. It was lost and sitting on someone's patio for about three weeks. No rain but there were some dewey mornings, the screw heads on the frame got a little rusty.
When I recovered it and I moved it to a new hexa frame, ( I got a new one because I thought the crashed one was lost) it was working fine for a few flights. I should point out that I have been having problems with this wkm on and off for months before.Sometimes I would start up, take off and she would be in attitude, then gps would kick in after a minute or two and everything would be fine for the rest of the flight. Occasionally I would lose it while flying but then it would recover. This would happen about 20% of the time.

After a few flies with the new hexa frame it started happening again and more often.
Now I hardly ever get gps, maybe for a few seconds.

I then added DJI mini iosd and it says o satellites, and indicates Attitude when switched to G mode. I switch to attitude, same thing, switch to M and manual indication shows on the screen. I had been suspecting the GPS compass failing so I purchased a new one but I get the same results. Still thinking that it must be something mechanical I ordered a new PMU since this is where the compass gets plugged into. I am running the latest firmware, 5.26. I have no issues calibrating, ends with the usual solid white and then flashes its regular colors. It's possible there is interference from the frame and other electronics but unlikely because I have been flying this WKM for 7 months on the other frame, (which by the way is the excellently built Hexacrafter HC800) with no issues in this category. The first frame is exactly the same as the second one and everything is configured and placed in the same locations. The second frame has a 3 axis brushless gimbal that runs independently with a separate TX and person. All electronics and power supply are separate for the gimbal. As I stated earlier I have been having this issue of GPS dropping out and going into attitude for some time now so I do not think it has to do with the new gimbal.
The PMU arrives today and I will see if that does the trick. If not I am thinking of replacing the whole WKM, I have too much invested to have this keep happening.
Luckily Intelligent UAS, where I purchased the new compass and PMU will refund me for those purchases. I bought the WKM from Aerial Media Pros. I contacted them about this issue and asked about buying a new compass to troubleshoot but they never returned my e-mail.


Anyone have any resolution on this problem yet? I have the same issue. New WKM with IMU2. Works fine with 5.22 loaded. 5.26 all I get is green flashing continuously. I think this must be green/yello, but I struggle to see any yellow. Compass calibrates OK, with white light at end, but it just starts green/yellow flashes again and I cannot use GPS/Atti mode. Ground Station is showing GPS good and Atti good. So, I'm running 5.22 but this means no waypoint flying. So frustrating. I am pretty fed up with DJI at the moment. Have spent so much money with them (2 x WKM, 2 x Naza + Zen Z15 GH2 + Ground Station etc. etc.) but feeling like much of it doesn't work as it should.
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