Greetings from Afghanistan, Send more Hellfires


New Member
Hi Everybody, and Welcome to Afghanistan. I'm here doing the UAV thing, no kidding. Mostly Mid-Range Size Stuff the Size of a Cessna. So I guess it only makes sense that I'm into this sort of thing. Our Motto, "We Like to Watch," and we always say, "You Can Run, But You Can't Hide." So true. I'm new to Multirotor but not RC. My Sons and I usually fly RC Helis. I've gotten into Multi since I've always enjoyed photography and am always thinking of how to get a better angle or shot. Probably get that Thought-Process from the Job. I look forward to learning from so many of you who have lead the way with all the new things coming out. Feel free to write and if you're out this way, and I hope you never are, give me a shout. From the Place that God has Forgotten, Hunterfixer Out


New Member
Thanks Guys, I appreciate the kind words. Really a privilege to be a part of something like this. When not running around the globe, Arizona is home. Great flying weather. I'll plan on seeing you in the forums. My Best to All to You.
