Is this the Smallest Quadcopter in the word ? I think so ...


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Something tells me I have seen something military thats smaller, just can't remember where. There is also a single bladed thing about thats pretty tiny but thats not a multicopter!

Not quite as small

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I saw a slightly smaller one on some " cool tiny toys" website however they didnt have footage of it actually flying.


Looks to me like this would be a great way to stay sharp on the sticks on rainy days or in the winter flying indoors.

If anyone knows where parts can be purchased to put one of these together please post a link. Additional information on the CrazyFlie is here


Welcome to!!
Is every coptercontrol flyer a part of the openpilot project? How many of you are involved in it?

There are about 30 active developers, the CopterControl is the simple board the main work is going into the full INS/GPS OpenPilot board which will come out later this year.

Spring is here and everyones platforms are emerging.


Welcome to!!
sorry but the part of my brain that processes anything related to electronics burns pretty dim;
will the openpilot board use standard ESC's or will there be a companion power board with resident ESC's?
is anyone willing to ballpark a timeframe for availability of the openpilot board and its companion GPS functions? i've read that it's a non-profit endeavor but i'm curious as to how far along things are. the kitchen copter looked pretty well behaved compared to other stuff i've seen/flown.

Yes standard ESCs or I2C both are on the board the CopterControl is only a stabilizing board and has 6 configurable PWM outputs and of course with I2C you can add what you like. The full OP board has eight outputs along with of course the I2C.

We are hoping people will also adopt CC for flybarless heli control, where it really will be much cheaper than any commercial offering.

There are some hardware sets out there for the full OP, I have one but a new revision is coming out soon and that will be the one for mass production.

Its never any good predicting the whens of release dates. There is no hurry to get them out, but when they are released they will be right.

Copter Control first and thats will be very soon.

It is all still a rough around the edges but we have only been going for just over a year.

Oh more on the CC board if you can't get to sleep
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