VRX output


Trying to get my FPV system working and I got nothing. The monitor I have sais it will not display a blue screen, yet that is all I see.....starts up showing AV/2 in the upper left hand corner and after a few seconds goes to No Signal in the middle of the screen, BLUE screen. It may be because it is getting absolutely NO input from my VRX. I tried hooking the camera directly to it and still nothing. Sooooo.....either my camera is bad, or my VTX/VTR is bad or my monitor is bad. I would think that even if the VRX is not receiving anything from the VTX that it would still send a carrier to the monitor which should show up as "snow"? I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this...thanks everyone.


The monitor is an 8" rmrc FPV, VTX is a FX795T (5.8 gHz 40 channel), the VRX is a FR632 (diversity) and the FPV cam is a RunCam 600TVL Mini. I think the monitor is bad. Looking closely it appears as thought the entire display has shifted to the right opening up about 1/32 of an inch gap along the left edge of the basil. It may be that something is disconnected inside and it gets nothing so it just default to the no signal routine. Might have nothing to do with it, but then again it might. Any ideas would be welcome.


You have the receiver and camera on NTSC or pal? RMRC is a good company- they will stand behind their
products. Lens cap not on? :)


Could you show us a diagram of your wiring? This should be really easy to figure out. I
have two of the RMRC 8 in. monitors and they work fine. And your channels are right?
Your monitor acts like it is not getting a signal from your receiver.


View attachment 27900 I will try and draw something up tomorrow and you're exactly right, it acts like it's not getting any input at all. Even if the quad wasent sending a sig, the VRX should be outputting something to the monitor even if it's nothing but a carrier, which should result in "snow" or "static" on the monitor....but alas....nothing but the blue screen of death...... The pic shows how the screen has shifted to the right....might not be the cause of the problem, but it still isn't right.


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Not really sure about your OSD. I usually before going to the copter- lay everything
out on my work table to see if it is working. Have you tried just using the camera to
the video transmitter without the osd? That would narrow it down a bit. The 5 volts for
the OSD is from a BEC? Make sure everything is set to either NTSC Or PAL- not mixed.
Also make sure the video transmitter and the video receiver are both on the same channel.


There is something about your grounds that is bothering me. You may have some loops there.
Usually the video ground is separate from the 12 volt grounds. I may be wrong- maybe
someone will chime in on this.


I have bypassed the OSD (first thing I tried) to eliminate that. The 5v (and the 12) come from onboard step down regulators. There may be something to the ground loop theory. All my grounds are tied in to the PDB....did that to eliminate some of the wiring and that may be a problem. The NTSC/PAL thing....I THINK it's all on NTSC, but Ill have to double check all that. All that said.......am I wrong in assuming that if I tuner the VTR on and hook it to the monitor, there should be some kind of signal coming through even if the VTX on the quad is turned off? Yes/No/Maybe?


Your sketch just came through....basically the difference between yours and mine is that you DO have a dedicated ground and going through the PDB I am not sure the ground for the FPV is isolated from the grounds for the rest of the system. But even if it's not, I would think there would be a signal, abit saturated with interference. Oh well....the raccoons turned my garbage can over last night.....got a mess to clean up...will check back later ....thank you for all your help.!


I have bypassed the OSD (first thing I tried) to eliminate that. The 5v (and the 12) come from onboard step down regulators. There may be something to the ground loop theory. All my grounds are tied in to the PDB....did that to eliminate some of the wiring and that may be a problem. The NTSC/PAL thing....I THINK it's all on NTSC, but Ill have to double check all that. All that said.......am I wrong in assuming that if I tuner the VTR on and hook it to the monitor, there should be some kind of signal coming through even if the VTX on the quad is turned off? Yes/No/Maybe?

If your receiver is on you will also have to power on the video transmitter. That will be the signal
your receiver is looking for and provided they are both on the same channel.


Coons made a mess.....not what I meant. I mean if I JUST turn the VRX on and hook it to the monitor even without an incoming signal to the VRX, shouldn't the monitor see ...."something"? some kind of carrier....obviously no picture, but snow, static, something? OR does it take an incoming video signal to the VRX in order for it to send anything to the monitor? The VTX and the VTR are both on the same channel (checked that several times). I cannot verify that the monitor is on NTSC because you can't check or change the settings unless it has an incoming signal (according to RMRC). I THINK I've got a bad monitor, but of course I don't know. I looked at all the stuff I've got and I do not have another monitor around here with composite leads or I would try that.


I just checked my RMRC monitors and if no transmitter is on the monitor has a
blue screen and it says no signal. And they are right- you can not acess the menu
if there is no signal.


Found the problem......I had the leads coming of the RX/TX pins on the board reversed. As soon as I straightened that out all is well. Thanks for helping me out on this! : )
