UgCS 2.8 is Now Live!



We're very excited to announce the release of UgCS 2.8.

Visually the first thing you will notice is that the new version features an improved user interface – you are now able to change the visual theme yourself. By default it now comes with a new black/green theme and you are able to select either the previous blue theme or two other new ones.

Another major improvement is that UgCS windows are now manually resizable! UgCS can now be resized as any ordinary application. This allows for more intuitive control of the UgCS application window and makes UgCS easier to use alongside other programs.

One more visual improvement we have made is that the position of home location of your drone is now displayed on the map in UgCS.

Click & Go functionality is now available for all DJI autopilots through UgCS, including A2, Wookong-M, Naza-M V2 and Ace One in addition to already being available for DJI Phantom 3 and Inspire 1.

We have also made UgCS easier to integrate with ADS-B transponders. Commands can now be sent to the ADS-B transponder through UgCS interface. ICAO ID, Flight ID and SQUAWK Code parameters can be set through UgCS. This feature is available for UgCS Pro users.

Also various bug fixes have been made to make UgCS run better.

Watch a video demonstrating the new UgCS interface:

Get UgCS here:

Safe flights,
UgCS Team
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Those of you using a PC ground station with a DJI datalink should do yourself a favor any look into this software.
They are still adding features, but I really like it compared to the original DJI interface.
I have been using this new Ground station for a while now....easy to use and really works great...
I have the One Version.. very affordable.... but there is a free version as well..
And NO.... I am not a dealer or business partner of uGCS.... just a happy user that is excited that someone decided to step in and support my expensive DJI datalink collection since DJI left me high & dry...
Sour Grapes!!! Thanks uGCS.


Although most people run Ardupilot on Pixhawk's, its a PX4 based board. Now that 3DR has mostly, if not completely pulled its support of Ardupilot most of te OpenSource development effort is now PX4, do you have any plans on supporting it?
