MiniOSD to Pixhawk connection issue, help needed


Hi all

Got a bit of an odd problem with my MiniOSD I need some help or advice with

Whilst still awaiting the delivery of the restot of my FPV kit to arrive I started having a play configuring my MiniOSD ready for connection of the rest of the kit. I had watched a number of the usual YouTube videos as a guide so I was ready to connect, it was then that I noticed an odd problem, all the guides I have read or seen talk about the MiniOSD needing a 12v supply for the camera and analogue side of the MiniOSD and 5v needed for the digital side of the MiniOSD. and talk about the 12v being supplied via a battery and the 5v being supplied by the flight controller, which in my case is a pixhawk.

On the MiniOSD there are 2 red LED's that light to indicate when each side is being powered. I did check and both the solder pads on the MiniOSD are not bridged

Now to my problem if I connect either the 5v or the 12v supply both LED's light up. does that mean I dont need to supply both 12 & 5 volts to the board.

With 5v connected 5v is present on the camera 12v pin

With 12v connected 5v is present on the 5v pin

Help I am confused.


Mini OSD

12v Supplied

5v supplied

Board side A

Board side B


Hi again. I have a question. Sorry for my bad english. I have dragon V2 micro rx and 3DR minimosd. I want to see RSSI value on my ground station.I did connection and setup but I dont know is it correct. I did TX on and off but RSSI value same value. What is the problem. I connected micro rx (photo 1) rssi to pixhawk SBUS port pin 103 ant PPM to pixhawk rc port. Than I selected (photo 2) channel 7 PPM and channel 8 Analog RSSI on Dragon screen. Than, I changed paramater on MP (photo 3). Than I selected pin RSSI analog (photo 4) and I changed min value 1100 max 1900 value, analog pin 103 on minimosd screen. I saw RSSI value 100 on my ground station (photo 5). You can see all screen (photo 6) Nots: Dragon screen (photo 2) RSSI value scale (0). I attach photos my setup. What is the problem Help plaese, Thanks again..


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