iOSD added info


Just added an iOSD Mini and AVL 58tx to the Naza M V2 system on my Tarot 680 Pro. All is working fine, but there's added info on the monitor/rx.

In the upper left corner there's a video camera icon behind the battery readout. Be nice to move it down or make it go away.

There's time signatures above pitch and roll (00:00:00 02:13:52). With camera filming the left number increases while the right one counts down. It would be nice to know how to zero it out and move it to the bottom of the screen.

There's another battery indicator behind the satellite indicator. Probably the unit's indicator, but the placement is a problem. Can I move it down?

Above the distance indicator is 1080/60 with the word "medium" below. The current GoPro settings.

Above GPS/ATTI/FS is a box with a half black/white sun in it.

And, in the bottom right hand corner is a (wifi) signal strength icon with OFF next to it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Drone Enthusiast
Is it possible the gopro is feeding its OSD to the your signal chain?
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Drone Enthusiast
I don't think that you can customize it the way you can an Eagle Tree product. But you can adjust the overall parameters to move in so they don't get too close to the edge of a monitor/view area.


Drone Enthusiast
Sorry. That's what I was saying in the first post, but it wasn't very clear. The gooro has its own OSD - which I guess could be helpful in some circumstances to have in the main monitor. But only if you could actually move the iOSD info around to make room.

The Eagle Tree products do this. Pretty slick actually.

Glad you got it sorted.


I leave camera osd on. I missed a really good shot before because I forgot to press record and the camera osd was off. At least now I can tell that it is recording.
