Hybrid flight goggles


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I finally made it outside yesterday with the goggles as well and I'm in agreement with everything you said. I wouldn't fly solely with them but they should be fine for setting up camera shots.
I used electrical tape to put the wires along the top and to the backs of the arms. I also clipped off the ear buds.
I didn't think to block the bottoms off. Maybe some balsa panels painted black and fitted to my cheeks would help? Maybe when I fly I'll put burnt cork below my eyes like football players wear?
All in all I'd say, not perfect but not bad either.


Merlin of Multirotors
I finally made it outside yesterday with the goggles as well and I'm in agreement with everything you said. I wouldn't fly solely with them but they should be fine for setting up camera shots.
I used electrical tape to put the wires along the top and to the backs of the arms. I also clipped off the ear buds.
I didn't think to block the bottoms off. Maybe some balsa panels painted black and fitted to my cheeks would help? Maybe when I fly I'll put burnt cork below my eyes like football players wear?
All in all I'd say, not perfect but not bad either.

I was thinking if I can find a really cheap set of ski goggles I could cut the lower section off and mate it to the MYVU to block the light from below, might be the easiest way to go about it. Maybe I'll take a trip over to the local Job Lot store and see if they have something suitable before they clear the shelves and start rolling out all the spring and summer stuff.



Merlin of Multirotors
Not particularly, I usually fly out in the middle of a big open field with no one arround, if the deer and other wildlife think I'm dorky looking, doesn't worry me...:p


Not particularly, I usually fly out in the middle of a big open field with no one arround, if the deer and other wildlife think I'm dorky looking, doesn't worry me...:p

Ken & Bart,
Yeah,...........the leaking light is the main drawback with the MyVu 301's. I was thinking of some neoprene on the lower part of the lense so it would compress against my upper cheek...........maybe that's not dorky enough:)

I think you're on the right lines with the ski goggles, they would also help with the fitting and securing bit? When I compared them to my friends 'Fatsharks' I thought the MyVu's were better res. and clearer ?? Maybe the Fatsharks needed tuning or the diopter was off.........



Merlin of Multirotors
I fixed them...:)

Turned out to be a very simple thing to do, I took a fairly large piece of 3/8 inch thick antistatic foam I had hanging around, the closed cell kind that's fairly stiff when you try to bend it and usually comes in the packaging of new circuit boards like a video card for the desktop computer, and cut two pieces to make filler panels.

To make the fillers I laid the MYVU glasses on a pad of paper and traced the outside edge to get the general shape for the outer edge. From there I took the Fatshark goggles and put them over the tracing and used the inner edge to get a rough shape of what the inner edge needed to be. I then cut the paper template out and did a trial fit to the underside of the goggles and the curve of my face with the MYVU goggles sitting where I need them to be on my face, the template was very close and only needed minor trimming. Made a couple adjustments with the scissors and when I was happy with the shape I used the template to cut two pieces out of the foam.

Next I took some double sided servo tape and put a piece on the bottom of the goggles on either side of the nose piece and after trimming the tape to fit I stuck the foam filler panels to the bottom of the goggles. Just gave them a try outside and that seems to have done the job fairly well, I can clearly see the screens even when looking towards the sun and in every orientation I tried the view was pretty much the same. It's a bit late in the day now and the sun is a lot lower in the sky than it would be at midday so I'm not going to say it's 100% until tomorrow when I can get outside earlier to see if I get the same result.

Decided to give them a quick tryout with the Hoverfly quad in the backyard just now only to find out I have an issue with the FPV TX, as soon as I spin the motors up the video TX picks up interference to the point of going black once the motors spin fast enough to lift the quad off the ground. Land and throttle down and the video comes back, hmmmm... didn't have that problem with the other TX that got squashed in the crash, don't know if it's a problem with this TX or something to do with the way things are wired up in the new frame. Whatever is causing it, there's huge amount of RFI interfering with the video signal on this quad once the motors spin up, I think I need to take a closer look at what's going on. The FPV and Quad are on separate power sources now whereas they were off the same battery before, might just be a grounding issue with the video signal going through the controller board to pickup the OSD data. Maybe I'll try the Hexa and see if the same thing happens, I use the same make of video TX and haven't tried that one out yet either.



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good going. pics when you can would be appreciated, please.


Merlin of Multirotors
Now that's interesting!

So I pulled the Hexa off the shelf, hooked up the battery to the FPV TX which gets video out from the GoPro, turned on the TX and plugged in power to the Hexa. Started the motors and got the same kind of RFI problem there too. Then I pulled out my 7 inch monitor and hooked that up, spun up the motors, no interference. HUH! Got the Fatshark goggles out and hooked them up, no interference!!! Hooked up the MYVU goggles, wavy lines and screen goes blank when motors speed up!!!! What the ****!

OK, put the hexa back on the shelf and fire up the Hoverfly quad with the 7 inch monitor and Fatshark goggles, crystal clear video with both, hook up the MYVU, video goes wavy and then dark as the motors speed up...:confused:

Problem turned out to be a bad cable to the MYVU goggles. Good cable, good video with motors running, at least on the bench it is. I'll have to see if the weather calms down enough to try it outdoors in flight tomorrow.

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Here's a pic of the goggles with the wires taped to the arms and the main plug taped to the body. I also removed the magnetic clips that hold the wires together.


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Merlin of Multirotors
Here's what the filler panels look like...


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i've been flying with the goggles most of the past week and i've got to say that i'm pretty happy with them. they make setting up camera shots very straightforward and predictable. i used ken's mod with black foam underneath and it's helped a lot but there's still glare sometimes depending on where the sun is. the sunglasses on the top half of the goggles actually work pretty well as sunglasses but it's taken some getting used to having the field of vision (for LOS flying) reduced so much by the lower half of the goggles. the battery is supposedly good for up to 2 1/2 hours and so far it's lasted for as long as I've tried to use it.
all in all, I'm pretty happy with them and consider them a permanent part of the set-up.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
So I pulled the Hexa off the shelf, hooked up the battery to the FPV TX which gets video out from the GoPro, turned on the TX and plugged in power to the Hexa. Started the motors and got the same kind of RFI problem there too. Then I pulled out my 7 inch monitor and hooked that up, spun up the motors, no interference. HUH! Got the Fatshark goggles out and hooked them up, no interference!!! Hooked up the MYVU goggles, wavy lines and screen goes blank when motors speed up!!!! What the ****!

OK, put the hexa back on the shelf and fire up the Hoverfly quad with the 7 inch monitor and Fatshark goggles, crystal clear video with both, hook up the MYVU, video goes wavy and then dark as the motors speed up...:confused:

Problem turned out to be a bad cable to the MYVU goggles. Good cable, good video with motors running, at least on the bench it is. I'll have to see if the weather calms down enough to try it outdoors in flight tomorrow.


this sounds an awful lot like the experience i'm having. ken, if you're out there reading this, what was the follow up? mine have worked fine at time and not at all at other times.
