DJI Wookong on folding Quad frame.

quadcopters Drone Specialists
Package arrived this afternoon , and i couldnt wait to get this in the air .
Simple mistake delayed the build when I realised I had used ultra pwm esc's , soon rectified this and then set the ZXY axis , by putting in height of gps sensor and the distance of the IMU from the COG , assigned the 3 way switch and left out the remote gain for now and just left it all stock settings, after controller calibration.
I also must add I have not yet calibrated the compass as it was pitch black when I finished and I simply could not wait any longer to try this thing.
First off it wouldnt throttle up and I had to lower throttle trim and then it was off , now normally with most multi rotors they tend to want to lean and need some compensation ... not this thing it went straight up and literally sat there (This was in ATTI mode only) .
It was holding height to the inch and moved max of about a foot when hands off .
There was hardly any wind here tonight , but saying that this thing so far is the best thing I have flown .
More flights to come tomorrow , and then onto a bigger frame hexa heavy lift.
The Spec of first flight was Alware Folding Quad frame , with Gaui 330x-s Motors and Gaui 330x-s ESC'S and 2200mah 3s lipo.
I did a short video tonight but it was pitch black but i will upload it to vimeo anyway.
Pic of the electrics, this was a quick build and will be swapping platforms so not the neatest .


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Formerly DJIUSA

Looking good for the first flight. Get the Remote gains setup for final tuning.

2 Red Led blinking, only 3 satellites for GPS mode.

Keep the updates coming.

quadcopters Drone Specialists
Thanks all, Yes loving the Wookong and lots more testing to do and so little time
Will be testing on a Hexa today hopefully , so looking forward to seeing more of this thing.
Robert , I have dropped you a email ..



Drone Enthusiast
Yes loving the Wookong and lots more testing to do and so little time
Will be testing on a Hexa today

Now time to get your 550D out on a tripod then!... If you aint got time to fly it you could always send it up to me to play with for the rest of my holiday! ;)

Good luck

